Mrs Precious O

Please join us support Mrs Precious, with her little kids, no hope of securing a job, she intented to start a small business, but could not raise capital, no access to loan, if no one provides for her, starf together with her little three children. The only hope she have right now is you. Give … Read more

Amaka Eze

Support Amaka today at Please support Amaka Eze, a young Nigerian food vendor who sells pears and resides in Abuja. Despite starting with a small amount of money, she has struggled to make a living with a capital of only #15,000 which is equivalent to £16.50. Her profits range between #4,000 and #6,000 which is … Read more

Love, Care, Support Others

Frugal Foundation, re-educating communities her core principles of Love, Care and Supporting one another. And asking community during this period of uncertainty to unite with the spirit these core principles to overcome challenges they may be facing or going through today.

Borno Caring Saturday’s

What a historic success as Frugal Empowerment Foundation impacted over 1500 Internally Displaced Persons (IPDs) at Mashidimami camp, Maiduguri, as a way to proof true love and to show someone care the these less privileged crisis victims community. Food materials, clothes, shoes, school book and leadership books provided for them by FEF. Other entertainment activities … Read more

Happy Valentine’s Day

Today, we are wishing people all over the world, a happy Valentine’s Day, a day to show love and compassion for one another. And to remember the less privileged communities who are going through a lot as a result of economic crisis, wars, natural disasters. We asked our community to reminder and support those who … Read more