Title: Afrobeats Youth Music Greenwich

Theme: Find Your Self-Expression and break limits

Research shows that many young persons, because of who they are, where they’re from or what they’re going through are confined within the walls of self limitation even when they are gifted with musical talents.

We believe the barriers can be broken if they are given the chance to express themselves and break limits through music. Thus we are willing to support through our insightful musical mentoring and investment programs in grassroots organisations. Over the years we proved this to be a success in engaging young people between age 12-25. 

We are pleased announce the official launching of the Frugal Empowerment Foundation Music UK project aimed to empowered young people who has the aspiration to become a musician.

More at signup

Our Approach

The gap between the usual school hour and the extra time after school is huge. Recent happenings show young people do not effectively utilised this period. This time often creates a space to either mingle with other pairs or negative acts which can result to social violence and the likes causing an increase of gun & knives violence often leading to loss of lives. This same period can be utilised by young people effectively in positive self development programs

Why we chose music?

Music has continued to be the most appealing skill in contemporary time; hardly a young adult (15-25years) who do not desire to be involved in music-talented or not. So we engage these young people through their interest in music during this hour and help then discover their potentials. We also support them through our insights, influence, and investment in grassroots programs.

We strongly believe with music we can gradually take some of these youngsters off the streets and engage them with their God’s given talents to contribute meaningfully to the society. 

Our Approach

Literally, young people have innovative and creative minds, the issue is often who can lead them to actualize these dreams. This is one of the reasons why parents send their kids to school in the first place and during the schooling process they discover new things and which mostly change our community for good and forever. A good example of this is Mark Zuckerberg the founder of Facebook, software that has redefined the world’s communication media. 

Our belief 

We believe some of our young people have not been given the opportunity to come out and do what they love to do, especially music. Others often are not given equal opportunities to influence their community with their potentials because of who they are, where they’re from, how they look or what they’re going through; this is why we are opening to a music entertainment workshop to enable these young people find their purpose and be engaged to positively impact through music.

Breaking the Barriers

Today, in Greenwich which also have high rate of youth violence, some of our young people have not been given the opportunity to come out and showcase their talents in music, already some of them have developed low esteem due to their backgrounds. These set of groups are among the BAME community and our goal is to help them break the barriers.

Who is qualified? 

The Find Your Self-expression and break limits project is a Music Entertainment workshop that embraces all class of young people including those with disabilities, giving them opportunity to participate and express their God-given talents.

How we identified talent

No doubt identifying these talents is tasking and very engaging. To do this effectively we set up music campaigns, hold auditions where interested candidates showcase their talents. The judges are experienced professionals in the industry who scrutinise the process. There is also opportunity given for public critique through voting. With these, ensuring the right candidate for the project is certain.

Goal of the artist 

Artists or candidates who qualify for the program would be sponsored into the music industry thereby creating an investment opportunity to the community and to individuals as well. 

Who is to participate? 

Young people between the age of 12-25 and young adults between age 26 & 35 are qualified to participate on this programme. 

Program Duration 

The Greenwich Youth Music training is divided into three segments which are Primary, Secondary and Professionals’ levels. 

The Primary Level:

This is divided into two stage of. the first stage is where the recruiting and mentoring of the young artists who apply to participate in the program. After the auditioning they are commence a training program so they can understand the knowhow of music and setting standards. They are also mentored and tested for competence towards the music they love to do. This process will usually take 3 months, and qualified candidates are selected for the next stage. 

During the second stage, each artist is required to come up with his/her own song, at list 1 track, depending on how fast they artist can learn. The Management may either propose a lyric or the artist is requested to do so. This whole process (1st and 2nd stage) will take 6 months. 

The Secondary Level

At this level each prospective artist has now graduated from the primary level, certificate is issued and has at least a musical track to his/her credit.  Each artist is then required to take his music to the community and sell his/her music ideas to the community. As a way of contributing into the community project, the artist is requested to run at list 3 different music campaigns within 6 months. This is to enable the prospective artist to use his/her musical tune to influence the community and to promote his/herself within his environment. 

Note that the management will assist the artists during this period to enable each young artist to attend local events in order to test and improve their abilities to perform on stage.

The Professional level:

At this level the artist is now certified by the management and fit to perform in the music industry. 

At this level, the artist is required to come up with at list 4 different personal music tracks in addition to 2 lyrics that would be given by the management (a total of 6 tracks) which will enable the artist to create a musical album. With this, the artist is fit to be officially signed into the music industry, and we will facilitate their meetings with commercial music labels to sign the artist for commercial purposes. This is where our project ends as a charity program,.

The benefit of this project:

Participants/young people/intending musician through this project will be able to;

• Develop Proper Self-identification and Discovery of Talent

• Get Opportunity for Exposure to the Music World 

• Shown Opportunity to Earn a Living through Music

• Overcome Self-pity, low Self-esteem and Isolation 

• Become a Music Star

• Impact Their Community with Their Style of Music

• Expand Their Income Opportunity 

• Create Influence Within and Outside Their Community 


Our priority is young British citizens and those with residence permits. Others, like those with long stay might be considered if they have the legal right to stay and work in the UK, as well as the undocumented migrants, whose kids are born in the UK, are eligible. 

Ethnicity or Targeted groups 

All ethnic groups are allowed to participate whether white, black, Asan, mixed etc


Language is not a barrier, for as long as they are not languages or words that are contrary to the public hearings 

Types of music:

Afro-beats, Hip hop , Afro pops , Afro-human , Afroreggae , Country , Guttering, Jazz, Rock, Classic music , Blues , Folks music , Reggae , Mental , Rhythm & Blues , Soul music, Electronics , Electronic dance music , Alternative rock , Disco, Indie rock, Funk , Popular music 

Our Music Standards 

We are determined to ensure all music produced through this program meet our standards of a complacent Music that brings positive impact to community. 

The Music We Accept

We will accept music that unites community, tell a unique stories, talk about love, futuristic, etc.

The Music We Do Not Accept

Any music that encourages negative vibes, instigate violence, or that might cause harm to others, e.g.  songs that influence dangerous drugs or abuse.


We shall guarantee all music released is free from copyrights. We will subject them to copyright check and ensure song tracks released does not infringe into someone else’s content right.

Our budget 

Our budget entails cost of 

1Musical instruments,  
2Music director  
3Trainers (Music/Voice)  
4Hall hire  
5Studio section cost  
7Music consultants  
8Music concert cost  
9Media & publicity  

Why We The Best For This.

Frugal Empowerment Foundation has over 6 years identified young talents within Africa, Nigeria precisely, nurtured them and today, these talented artists are now well-known and their music is impacting the world today.

Our mission 

“Frugal Foundation is out to take the lead in supporting and helping talented people to use their potentials positively, as well as promote and launching them into the entertainment industry.”

Our History

This we started to do six years ago and today, we are proud to let you know that over 9 music artists are signed into the foundation’s music record label and over 98 songs has been recorded and produced through our music programs. Get more of our work at

Our Target

Our target is to train up to 100 young people within the first 6 months of this program with the support from this grant we can achieve even more.