

SBE: FEF Calls for Donations to Aid Beneficiaries Amidst Rising Inflation and Cost of Living

The Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF) is making an urgent appeal for donations to support the beneficiaries of its Small Business Empowerment (SBE) program. As inflation and the cost of living continue to surge, many small business owners, particularly widows and other vulnerable groups, are struggling to sustain their enterprises.

The SBE program has been instrumental in providing initial seed funding to various entrepreneurs, enabling them to start and grow their businesses. However, the recent economic downturn has significantly impacted their ability to maintain profitability and expand their operations. Many beneficiaries have reported challenges in managing the rising costs of goods and services, which threaten the sustainability of their businesses. Read more @

The Successes of FEF Caring Saturday’s Stand Tall in History of the Foundation

Throughout the years, Caring Saturday’s has grown in scale and impact, reaching thousands of individuals across various regions. The initiative’s success can be attributed to the unwavering dedication of FEF members, the generosity of donors, and the support of passionate volunteers. Each Saturday, FEF organizes events where food items, educational materials, clothing, and other essential supplies are distributed to those in need. These events are often accompanied by activities that bring joy and a sense of belonging to the recipients.

One of the notable successes of Caring Saturday’s is its ability to mobilize resources and support from diverse quarters. The initiative has seen participation from local businesses, international partners, and individual contributors who share FEF’s vision of making a difference. The collaborative efforts have not only provided immediate relief but have also empowered communities by fostering self-reliance and resilience.

Caring Saturday’s has also played a crucial role in raising awareness about the plight of the vulnerable and the importance of community support. Through media coverage and social media campaigns, FEF has successfully highlighted the stories of those impacted by the initiative, inspiring others to join the cause. The success stories from Caring Saturday’s serve as a testament to what can be achieved when people come together with a shared purpose of compassion and support.

As FEF continues to build on the successes of Caring Saturday’s, the foundation remains committed to expanding its reach and impact. The goal is to ensure that no vulnerable individual is left behind, and every Saturday becomes a day of hope and transformation. With ongoing support and collaboration, FEF aims to create a lasting legacy of care and empowerment for generations to come.

FEF to Train Beneficiaries of SBE Funding Program, Aims to Empower 100 Women

With a focus on sustainable development and economic self-sufficiency, FEF aims to enroll and empower 100 women through a comprehensive business orientation and training program.

Mr. Frugal, the founder of FEF, expressed the foundation’s commitment to enhancing the skills and capabilities of women entrepreneurs. “We believe that empowering women with the right skills and resources is key to fostering economic growth and reducing poverty,” Mr. Frugal stated. “Through this training program, we aim to provide women with the knowledge and tools they need to succeed in their businesses.”

The training program will cover essential aspects of business management, financial literacy, marketing strategies, and customer service. By equipping women with these skills, FEF hopes to create a ripple effect of economic empowerment that will benefit families and communities at large.

FEF is actively seeking partnerships with the Ministry of Women Affairs and the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management, and Social Development to ensure the success of this initiative. The foundation is also open to collaborations with organizations interested in supporting the program through their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives.

“We are hoping to partner with relevant ministries and other organizations to maximize the impact of this program,” Mr. Frugal added. Corporate entities with CSR programs focused on women’s empowerment and economic development are encouraged to join us in this noble cause.

“Together, we can make a significant difference in the lives of these women and their communities.”

The upcoming business orientation and training sessions are expected to begin soon, with applications open for women interested in participating in the program. FEF remains dedicated to its mission of empowering vulnerable populations and fostering sustainable development through targeted interventions and strategic partnerships.

As preparations for the training program get underway, FEF calls on all stakeholders to support this initiative and help create a brighter future for women entrepreneurs across Nigeria.


Ebere’s Struggle in Lugbe

Ebere, who runs an open shop in Lugbe, highlighted the daily rise in prices, which makes it difficult to maximize profit and increase sales. She emphasized the urgent need for more capital to weather the storm and stay in business. Ebere’s determination to succeed despite these challenges is commendable, and she appeals for further financial assistance to stabilize her venture. Read more

Paulina’s Fruit Hawking Challenge

Paulina, who hawks fruits at Wuse 2 in the heart of the Federal Capital Territory, shares the same struggle. She wishes she could afford a store to sell a variety of fruits rather than limiting herself to just one type at a time. A stable store ignificantly enhance her ability to serve her customers better and increase her earnings.

Paulina’s aspirations are within reach with your support. Visit her page at Paulina to help make her dream a reality. Read more

Mrs. Nike Adeyemi’s Yam Business

Mrs. Nike Adeyemi, who sells yam at the Lugbe Police sign board motor park, looks forward to securing more funds to buy in bulk and a place to store raw food during the harvest season for greater profit. Her vision for expanding her business is clear, but she needs more resources to achieve this goal. Your support can help Mrs. Adeyemi scale her business and provide more for her family. Visit her page at Mrs. Nike Adeyemi to contribute. Read more

Elizabeth Alase

Elizabeth Alase is a determined and enterprising woman who runs a clothing and provision store in Kagini, Abuja. With a keen eye for fashion and a passion for serving her community Read more

GYMPAC: FMA Anticipates Mayor’s Award Announcement

Mr. Frugal, the founder of the Frugal Empowerment Foundation, expressed his confidence in the students’ presentations and their ability to impress the Mayor. “Our students have given their all in preparing for GYMPAC 2024, and their performances were nothing short of extraordinary. We are confident that the Mayor will be as impressed as the audience was and that the best talent will be rightfully recognized,” Mr. Frugal remarked. read more

World Drug Day 2024 Message from Frugal Empowerment Foundation

As we commemorate World Drug Day, the Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF) stands united with communities across the globe to raise awareness about the devastating impact of drug abuse and the crucial need for prevention. Read more

“Our Success Without Our Sponsors and Volunteers Would Have Been Impossible.

The Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF) extends a heartfelt thank you to all our sponsors and volunteers, whose unwavering support and dedication have been the backbone of our success. As we reflect on our journey and the numerous lives we have touched, it is clear that our accomplishments would have been impossible without the incredible contributions of these generous individuals and organizations.

Over the years, FEF has been able to carry out numerous humanitarian initiatives, including our signature aring Saturday’s outreach programs, the Small Business Empowerment (SBE) funding, and various educational and health interventions across Nigeria and beyond.

These efforts have brought hope, support, and opportunities to thousands of vulnerable individuals and communities, and the impact of these programs continues to grow. Our sponsors and volunteers have played an integral role in making these achievements a reality.

“Our sponsors and volunteers are the true heroes behind every success story we share,” says Mr. Frugal, founder of FEF. “Their financial support, time, and energy have enabled us to reach more people and make a meaningful difference in the lives of those who need it most. From providing essential funding for our projects to volunteering on the ground during our outreach events, their contributions have been invaluable.”

As we look ahead, FEF remains committed to expanding our programs and reaching even more individuals in need. We invite everyone to continue supporting our mission through donations, volunteering, and partnerships. Together, we can build on the success we have achieved and create an even greater impact in the years to come.

To all our sponsors and volunteers, FEF says, “THANK YOU.” Your generosity and commitment inspire us every day, and we are deeply grateful for your unwavering support. Let us continue this journey together, making a difference one life at a time.

Frugal Music Show Challenge: “Mr. Frugal Nigerian Struggles” Winners Announced

In an exciting online event that captivated music enthusiasts, the Frugal Music Show Challenge themed “Mr. Frugal Nigerian Struggles” saw fans of Mr. Frugal’s music showcase their talents through musical performances. The challenge, which invited participants to perform and upload their renditions of Mr. Frugal’s popular tracks, received an overwhelming response from across the globe.

Last weekend, the winners were announced, much to the delight of the Frugal Music community. Among the talented participants, three individuals emerged victorious. Ina Chukwuebuka, Tapanta Tarka, and Ebi Vibes, known by their Facebook account names, impressed the judges with their unique interpretations and exceptional performances, securing their spots as the top winners of the challenge.

Mr. Frugal expressed his admiration for the participants’ dedication and creativity, acknowledging the effort and passion that went into each performance. “The Frugal Music Show Challenge has been a testament to the incredible talent within our community. I’m proud of every participant, and I congratulate our winners for their outstanding contributions,” he said.

As the next step, Mr. Frugal is working diligently on awarding the prizes to the winners. The details of the awards are eagerly anticipated by the fans, who are excited to see how these rising stars will be recognized for their remarkable achievements.

The success of the “Mr. Frugal Nigerian Struggles” challenge highlights the powerful impact of music in bringing people together and fostering creativity. It also underscores Mr. Frugal’s commitment to supporting and promoting emerging talent, providing a platform for artists to shine.

The Frugal Music Show Challenge has set a high bar for future events, promising even more opportunities for fans and musicians to engage, perform, and celebrate the universal language of music. As the community eagerly awaits the next challenge, the winners’ performances continue to inspire and uplift music lovers everywhere.


FEF: A Vision for Greater Impact

As we step into the month of June, I am filled with immense pride and gratitude for the incredible journey we have embarked on together at the Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF). Our collective efforts have brought hope, relief, and empowerment to countless lives, and it is your unwavering support that has made this possible.

In May, we witnessed the success of numerous initiatives, from the impactful Caring Saturday at Benue State to the inspiring performances by our talented artists. Each event and program reflected the heart and soul of our mission—to love, care, and support others. These achievements are not just milestones; they are powerful reminders of what we can accomplish when we unite with a ommon purpose.

As we look forward to the month of June, our resolve to make a difference remains stronger than ever. Our focus this month is on consolidating the impact of our programs and expanding our reach. The challenges we face, particularly with rising inflation and the economic strain on vulnerable communities, call for innovative solutions and greater collaboration. This is why we are actively seeking new partnerships and support to enhance our humanitarian efforts.

One of our key initiatives this month is the Small Business Empowerment (SBE) program. We have seen the profound impact that seed funding can have on the lives of widows and pe2y traders, but we also recognize the ongoing struggles they face. Rising costs and economic instability have made it difficult for these entrepreneurs to thrive. Our commitment is to provide additional support and resources to help them weather these challenges and build sustainable businesses.

Our “Caring Saturday’s” events continue to be a cornerstone of our outreach, and we aim to set new records in humanitarian aid. These events are more than just a distribution of goods; they are a testament to the power of community and the impact of collective action. By bringing together donors, volunteers, and partners, we can create a ripple effect of positive change that extends far beyond the immediate relief we provide.

In closing, I want to express my hear(elt appreciation to each and every one of you—our members, sponsors, donors, volunteers, and supporters. Your dedication and generosity are the lifeblood of FEF, and together, we are building a brighter, more compassionate world.

Let us continue to stand united in our mission and strive for even greater heights in the months ahead.

Thank you for your unwavering support, and I look forward to achieving remarkable milestones with you in June and beyond.

With gratitude and determination,

Mr. Frugal

Founder, Frugal Empowerment Foundation

Highlights of May 2024

As we reflect on the impactful activities and initiatives of May 2024, we are filled with pride and gratitude for
the incredible work accomplished by our dedicated members, volunteers, and supporters. This edition of
our newsletter highlights our recent successes and ongoing efforts to uplift and empower vulnerable
communities. Together, we continue to make a difference, one step at a time.

SBE: FEF Follows Up, As Beneficiaries Lament Rising Cost

In a recent follow-up visit, FEF Secretary Grace Ojiji checked in on the women beneficiaries of the Small Business Empowerment (SBE) seed fund, uncovering their struggles amid rising costs. The beneficiaries
expressed their challenges and the need for additional support to sustain and grow their businesses.

Read more

Caring Saturday’s: Setting New Records in Humanitarian Aid

The Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF) is setting new records with its “Caring Saturday’s” events, designed to provide unprecedented support to vulnerable communities across Nigeria. As FEF continues to stir these impactful initiatives, it calls on donors, volunteers, and partners to join in the effort to bring hope and relief to those in need.




As we launch into the month of May, we want to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude for your incredible support, dedication, and generosity. Your unwavering commitment to our cause has been instrumental in driving positive change and making a meaningful impact in the lives of the vulnerable and less fortunate.

Throughout the past month, your contributions have enabled us to carry out numerous initiatives, especially for the success of Mr. Frugal’s Birthday Celebration and the Small Business Empowerment program.

Your generosity knows no bounds, and we are continually inspired by your compassion and willingness to make a difference. Your support has allowed us to reach new heights and touch the lives of countless individuals, bringing hope, joy, and relief to those who need it most.

In this month of May, we look forward to embarking on even more impactful projects and initiatives with your continued support. Together, let us strive to make April an even more fulfilling and successful month, as we work towards our shared goal of creating positive change and empowering communities.

Once again, thank you for your invaluable support and dedication. Your contributions truly make a difference, and we are immensely grateful for everything you do.

Wishing you all a prosperous and fulfilling April ahead!

Warm regards,
[FEF Team]

A Fulfilled Mission, Many lives Impacted

As Mr. Frugal retired to his UK base, the impact of his work will continue to reverberate. His unwavering commitment to philanthropy and humanitarianism serves as an inspiration to us all, reminding us of the power of compassion and the importance of lending a helping hand to those in need.

Read more @


As we launch into the month of April, we want to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude for your incredible support, dedication, and generosity. Your unwavering commitment to our cause has been instrumental in driving positive change and making a meaningful impact in the lives of the vulnerable and less fortunate.

Throughout the past month, your contributions have enabled us to carry out numerous initiatives, including our Easter Caring Saturday’s outreach in Lagos, where we provided assistance to 80 families in need, and our ongoing preparations for Mr. Frugal’s Birthday Celebration and the Small Business Empowerment program.

Your generosity knows no bounds, and we are continually inspired by your compassion and willingness to make a difference. Your support has allowed us to reach new heights and touch the lives of countless individuals, bringing hope, joy, and relief to those who need it most.

As we step into the new month of April, we look forward to embarking on even more impactful projects and initiatives with your continued support. Together, let us strive to make April an even more fulfilling and successful month, as we work towards our shared goal of creating positive change and empowering communities.

Once again, thank you for your invaluable support and dedication. Your contributions truly make a difference, and we are immensely grateful for everything you do.

Wishing you all a prosperous and fulfilling April ahead!

Warm regards,
[FEF Team]

FEF MARCH 2024 Newsletter Headline

Nurturing Seeds of Hope and Compassion

As we step into March, I find myself reflecting on the journey we’ve undertaken together. The Frugal Empowerment Foundation is not just an organization; it’s a collective force of compassion, resilience, and love. In this month’s newsletter, I want to share a few thoughts that echo the spirit of what we stand for.

In the soil of kindness, we plant seeds of hope. Every act of generosity, every contribution, and every moment of support is a seed that has the potential to grow into a tree of positive change. Our Caring Saturdays, educational initiatives, and small business empowerment programs are all facets of this garden we are cultivating, where each bloom represents a life touched and transformed.

The theme of March, for me, is resilience. The ability to endure, adapt, and continue making a difference even in the face of challenges. The vulnerable communities we serve often face hurdles that seem insurmountable, but it is our collective resilience that enables us to be a source of strength for them.

As we navigate the coming months, I encourage each one of you to think about the seeds you are planting in the garden of humanity. Your contributions, whether big or small, are shaping a better future. Together, we can nurture a world where compassion is a currency, and kindness is the common language.

Thank you for being an integral part of the Frugal family. Let’s keep sowing seeds of hope and compassion, for they are the roots of lasting change.
Mr. Frugal

FEF Unwavering Mission: To Love, Care, and Support Others

In a world often marked by challenges and uncertainties, the Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF) stands as a beacon of hope and compassion. Since its inception, FEF has steadfastly adhered to its core mission: to love, care, and support others. This foundational ethos is woven into every initiative, program, and outreach effort undertaken by the foundation.

At the heart of FEF’s mission is a commitment to humanity. This commitment manifests in tangible ways through various projects and activities aimed at uplifting the vulnerable, supporting the less privileged, and fostering a sense of community. Whether it’s Caring Saturdays, educational initiatives, or small business empowerment programs, FEF’s approach is grounded in love and empathy.

Mr. Frugal, the visionary leader and founder of FEF, often emphasizes the transformative power of compassion. “To love, care, and support others is not just a mission; it’s a way of life,” he remarks. This sentiment reverberates through the entire FEF community, comprising members, donors, volunteers, and partners who collectively work towards making a positive impact on the lives of those in need.

As FEF continues its journey, the mission to love, care, and support others remains the guiding force. It serves as a reminder that, in a world often fraught with challenges, acts of kindness, big or small, have the power to bring about meaningful change. FEF invites everyone to join in this mission, creating a ripple effect of love and compassion that reaches far beyond individual actions. #FEFMission #LoveCareSupport #HumanitarianImpact

FEF Ventures into the Digital Sphere: App Development in Progress

In a bid to expand its reach and enhance accessibility, Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF) is gearing up to launch its own mobile application, set to be available on popular platforms such as the App Store. This strategic move aims to streamline communication, foster engagement, and provide a seamless experience for FEF members, donors, and supporters.

The FEF app, anticipated to be available before the end of 2024, is poised to be a hub of information, updates, and interactive features. Users will have easy access to news stories, event updates, donation options, and other resources that align with FEF’s humanitarian mission.

This digital leap aligns with FEF’s commitment to innovation and leveraging technology to amplify its impact on communities. Mr. Frugal, the visionary leader behind FEF, sees the app as a bridge to connect with a wider audience and make participation in the foundation’s initiatives more convenient.

As the development progresses, FEF encourages its community to anticipate the launch of the app and looks forward to a more connected and engaged network of members, donors, and supporters. Stay tuned for further updates on this exciting digital venture! #FEFApp #DigitalInnovation #HumanitarianImpact

Caring Saturdays: Edo set for “Prison Impact”

Edo State, Nigeria — Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF) is breaking new ground in its commitment to community care with an upcoming Caring Saturday event at a Correctional Facility in Edo State. This unique initiative, aptly themed “Prison Impact,” reflects FEF’s dedication to extending compassion and support to individuals within the correctional system.

While the exact date and venue details are yet to be unveiled, the foundation’s Edo team is actively working on organizing a meaningful experience for the inmates. The Prison Impact Caring Saturday aims to go beyond the conventional boundaries of community outreach, reaching out to those often overlooked or forgotten.

Mr. Frugal, the visionary founder of FEF, expressed his belief in the power of love and community support to transform lives, regardless of one’s circumstances. The event is expected to include various activities designed to uplift spirits and create a positive atmosphere within the Correctional Facility.

As the date and venue details are finalized, FEF invites the community to stay tuned for updates and encourages everyone to contribute to this impactful initiative. Caring Saturdays continue to be a cornerstone of FEF’s mission, fostering a sense of belonging and compassion in every corner of society. #FEFCaringSaturdays #PrisonImpact #CommunityOutreach

FEF February 2024 Newsletter Headline

Click on the Image to access the full Newsletter

Mr. Frugal’s Birthday: FEF Plans Caring Saturdays to Impact Lives

In a remarkable and altruistic move, Mr. Frugal, the visionary founder of Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF), is gearing up for a unique celebration of his birthday in April 2024. Rather than opting for traditional festivities, he has chosen to mark this special occasion by organizing multiple Caring Saturdays, a testament to his unwavering commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of those in need.

Mr. Frugal shared his heartfelt sentiments, stating, “Birthdays are a time for reflection and gratitude. What better way to celebrate than by giving back and impacting lives? This year, I want my birthday to be a celebration of compassion and community.”

As part of this exceptional celebration, Mr. Frugal has planned multiple Caring Saturday events that will span across different locations. Each event is designed to bring joy, assistance, and a sense of community to those who need it most. The focus is not just on the act of giving but on creating meaningful connections and fostering a spirit of togetherness.

“Celebrating my birthday by touching lives is the most fulfilling gift I can give myself. In giving, we receive the truest gifts of joy and connection. Let this birthday be a celebration of shared humanity. Impact transcends moments; it creates a ripple that echoes in the hearts of those touched. That, to me, is the essence of a meaningful celebration.” Mr. Frugal shared

The planned Caring Saturdays are expected to include a range of activities, from providing essential aid to fostering a sense of community. Mr. Frugal’s birthday celebration is poised to be a testament to the transformative power of giving and the profound impact one person’s dedication can have on the lives of many. As April approaches, the anticipation is not just for a birthday but for a celebration that echoes the core values of compassion, generosity, and community that define the Frugal Empowerment Foundation.

Caring Saturday’s: FEF Set to Illuminate the Elderly at Uplands

In a heartwarming initiative, the Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF) is gearing up to bring the spirit of Caring Saturday’s to Uplands Care Home in Streatham, London. This event, scheduled to unfold on [Date], is set to infuse joy, companionship, and a sense of community into the lives of the elderly residents.

Mr. Frugal, the visionary founder of FEF, expressed the significance of extending compassion to the elderly, especially those in care homes who may sometimes feel isolated. Caring Saturday’s at Uplands Care Home aims not only to provide essential assistance but also to create an atmosphere of warmth and connection.

FEF is issuing a heartfelt call for support and donations from the community. Contributions, whether in the form of time, resources, or financial aid, will play a pivotal role in making this Caring Saturday’s event a memorable and impactful experience for the residents of Uplands Care Home. As FEF continues its mission to illuminate lives, the foundation invites everyone to join hands in creating moments of joy and companionship for the elderly in Streatham.

2024: Frugal Elevates Strategic Project Implementation for Greater Impact

In a powerful and forward-thinking move, Mr. Frugal, the driving force behind the Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF), has called upon state managers to embrace strategic project implementation as a means to amplify the foundation’s impact on communities in 2024. Recognizing the need for precision and purpose in humanitarian efforts, Mr. Frugal’s directive emphasizes a proactive and strategic approach to project execution.

The essence of this charge is rooted in the understanding that a targeted, well-executed project has the potential to bring about enduring positive change. Mr. Frugal expressed his vision, stating, “Our goal is not just to touch lives but to transform them positively. Strategic project implementation ensures that our initiatives are not only impactful in the short term but also contribute to the long-term empowerment and sustainability of the communities we serve.”

State managers, as the linchpins of FEF’s operations at the regional level, are entrusted with the responsibility of aligning projects with the unique needs and dynamics of their respective areas. The emphasis is on a localized, community-centric approach that acknowledges and addresses specific challenges faced by different regions. This personalized strategy is seen as key to fostering lasting change.

The charge from Mr. Frugal includes a call for state managers to foster collaborations with local stakeholders, tap into community resources, and explore innovative solutions to optimize project outcomes. He emphasized, “Our state managers are integral to understanding the pulse of their regions. By embracing strategic project implementation, we aim to tailor our interventions to the unique needs of each community, ensuring our impact is both meaningful and sustainable.”

As FEF steps into 2024 with this renewed focus on strategic project implementation, the foundation envisions not just reaching more lives but creating a more profound and transformative impact. Through this strategic lens, FEF is poised to navigate the complexities of community development, empowering state managers to lead initiatives that make a meaningful difference in the lives of those they serve.

Sanctuary Care Home anticipates FEF Caring Saturday’s on Sept 28th

In a heartwarming collaboration, Sanctuary Care Home is set to host Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF) for a transformative Caring Saturday’s event on September 28th, 2024. The commitment of FEF to making a positive impact on the lives of the elderly aligns seamlessly with Sanctuary Care Home’s ethos of providing compassionate and supportive care to its residents.

The significance of Caring Saturday’s lies not just in the assistance provided but in the creation of meaningful connections and moments of joy for the elderly. Mr. Frugal, the visionary founder of FEF, expressed his enthusiasm for this upcoming event, stating, “Our commitment to touching the elderly is firm, and we cannot do this alone. Collaboration, support, and donations are vital to its success.”

FEF is reaching out to the community, advocating for active participation in this event. The success of Caring Saturday’s relies on the collective effort of individuals, businesses, and organizations who understand the value of extending kindness to the elderly. The foundation recognizes that community support is the cornerstone of making a lasting impact on the lives of seniors.

As Sanctuary Care Home opens its doors to FEF, the vision is clear—to create a day filled with warmth, companionship, and care for the elderly residents. Every donation, act of support, and contribution from the community is a step towards ensuring that this Caring Saturday’s event leaves an enduring mark on the lives of those who have contributed so much to their communities.

Frugal Voices Concerns Over Funding Shortfall for Humanitarian Initiatives in 2024

In a candid and transparent address, Mr. Frugal, the visionary founder of Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF), has expressed deep concerns over the dearth of funds hindering the advancement of FEF’s vital humanitarian initiatives in 2024. The foundation, known for its impactful projects, ranging from education to healthcare and community empowerment, is facing a financial challenge that threatens the continuity and expansion of these crucial programs.

Mr. Frugal openly lamented the situation, stating, “The success of our initiatives is contingent on the support we receive, and currently, we are grappling with a shortage of funds. This poses a significant obstacle to the continuation and growth of projects that have been transforming lives in various communities.”

Recognizing the pivotal role funding plays in realizing FEF’s mission, Mr. Frugal has issued a heartfelt appeal for grant support and other fundraising measures. The plea extends to both individuals and organizations, inviting them to join hands in the collective effort to address pressing societal challenges. Mr. Frugal emphasized, “We cannot stand idly by when there is so much more we can do. I implore our supporters, old and new, to consider the impact we can create together.”

In the wake of this financial challenge, FEF is actively seeking collaborations and partnerships with entities that share a commitment to humanitarian causes. Mr. Frugal highlighted the urgency of the situation, stating, “Our projects are at risk, and the lives they touch are hanging in the balance. Now, more than ever, we need deliberate support from those who believe in our cause.”

The call for support is not just a plea for financial contributions but an invitation for individuals and organizations to become active participants in creating positive change. As FEF navigates this period of financial uncertainty, the foundation remains resolute in its commitment to making a difference, and with the support of a compassionate community, aims to overcome this funding challenge to continue its transformative work in communities that need it most.

Caring Saturday’s: Anticipation Grows at Ashgreen

As the calendar inches towards August 31st, 2024, the elderly residents of Ashgreen are brimming with anticipation for the upcoming Caring Saturday’s event organized by the Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF). This event, tailored to brighten the lives of the elderly, has become a beacon of hope and joy, offering a respite from the routine for the residents of Ashgreen.

Mr. Frugal, the compassionate force behind FEF, emphasized the profound impact these Caring Saturday’s have on the lives of the elderly. He expressed, “Caring for our seniors is not just a responsibility; it’s an honor. As we approach August 31st, let’s join hands to make this day a truly memorable and uplifting experience for the elderly residents of Ashgreen.”

FEF is calling for deliberate contributions, support, and donations from the community to ensure that this Caring Saturday’s surpasses all expectations. The foundation recognizes that small acts of kindness can create significant positive change in the lives of the elderly. Whether through financial assistance, volunteering, or donating essential supplies, every contribution adds to the collective effort of creating a meaningful and impactful event.

The residents of Ashgreen, many of whom have spent a lifetime contributing to their communities, eagerly look forward to the Caring Saturday’s event. It serves as a reminder that they are not forgotten and that their well-being remains a priority. Mr. Frugal’s commitment to the cause is encapsulated in his words: “Let’s make August 31st a day filled with laughter, love, and a sense of community for the elderly at Ashgreen. Together, we can create moments that linger in their hearts for a lifetime.” As FEF rallies the community, the countdown to August 31st is not just marking a date on the calendar but signaling the approach of a day that promises to leave an indelible mark on the lives of the elderly at Ashgreen.

Frugal Intensifies Plea for Support to Empower Widow for a New Beginning

In a heartfelt plea for support, Mr. Frugal, the compassionate founder of Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF), has intensified efforts to rally assistance for Mrs. Mary Ajiboye, a resilient widow with four children. Mrs. Ajiboye, who has dedicated her days to working as a debris remover in Abuja, is facing an uphill battle due to financial constraints and health challenges.

Mr. Frugal, deeply moved by Mrs. Ajiboye’s plight, shared his passionate appeal, stating, “The story of Mrs. Ajiboye is one of resilience, but it’s also a story that requires our collective intervention. We cannot afford to fail in this project of restoring hope to this vulnerable woman who has faced adversity with incredible strength.”

Mrs. Ajiboye, once a small business owner until illness struck, had to redirect her business capital towards medical treatment, leaving her struggling to make ends meet. Mr. Frugal emphasized the urgent need to empower her with the means to start a small business, providing a sustainable source of income for her family.

The appeal extends to the wider community, urging individuals, organizations, and well-meaning supporters to contribute to this cause. “Our ability to positively impact lives hinges on the support we receive from the community. This isn’t just about financial aid; it’s about restoring dignity and hope to a family that has faced unimaginable challenges,” Mr. Frugal declared.

FEF has established a dedicated account for donations to support Mrs. Mary Ajiboye’s journey to self-sufficiency. Every contribution, Mr. Frugal emphasized, plays a pivotal role in reshaping the trajectory of Mrs. Ajiboye’s life and that of her children. As the foundation intensifies its efforts to make a meaningful difference, the call for support echoes louder, inviting everyone to be part of the transformative journey to empower Mrs. Mary Ajiboye for a new beginning.

June 1st, 2024 – GYMPAC 2.0: A Spectacle of Talent Beckons

As the summer sun bathes Greenwich in its warm glow, the stage is set for another extraordinary event that promises to elevate the spirit of the community. Frugal Entertainment proudly announces the return of the Greenwich Youth Music Performance & Award Ceremony, GYMPAC 2.0, scheduled to unfold on June 1st, 2024. Following the immense success of the inaugural edition, GYMPAC 2.0 is gearing up to be an even more enchanting spectacle, a celebration of talent that transcends boundaries and resonates with the heartbeat of the community.

The Frugal Music Academy (FMA) will once again be at the forefront, unleashing a wave of musical brilliance that showcases the diverse talents cultivated under its wings. From soulful melodies to heart-pounding beats, the young artists from FMA are poised to leave an indelible mark on the hearts of the audience. GYMPAC 2.0 is not just an event; it’s a platform where dreams are given a stage and passion finds its voice.

The date, June 1st, holds a special significance as the community anticipates another evening filled with joy, inspiration, and the magic of music. Families, friends, and music enthusiasts are invited to witness the crescendo of talent as FMA students take center stage. This event is not merely about performance; it’s about the transformational power of music and the profound impact it has on both performers and spectators.

As the countdown to GYMPAC 2.0 begins, the excitement is building, and the question on everyone’s lips is: What extraordinary talents will grace the stage this year? Frugal Entertainment, known for its commitment to fostering artistic growth, assures that GYMPAC 2.0 will be a testament to the vibrant spirit of Greenwich’s youth. So, mark your calendars, secure your seats, and get ready for an evening where melodies become memories and talent takes center stage.

Stay tuned for more updates and sneak peeks into the preparations as GYMPAC 2.0 promises to once again be a highlight in the cultural calendar of Greenwich. The stage is set, the performers are ready, and the community eagerly awaits the return of this musical extravaganza. Save the date – June 1st, 2024 – for an event that will echo in the hearts of Greenwich for years to come.
#GYMPAC2024 #YouthMusic #GreenwichTalent #SaveTheDate

Frugal Envisions a Heartwarming Christmas Caring Saturday’s in 2024

As the holiday season approaches, Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF) is gearing up for a Christmas Caring Saturday’s event in Greenwich Community Aid, scheduled for December 21, 2024. Mr. Frugal, the dedicated founder of FEF, envisions making an even more profound impact this December, ensuring that families in Greenwich not only feel the warmth of the yuletide season but experience it in a way that surpasses previous years.

The Christmas Caring Saturday’s event holds special significance as it aligns with FEF’s mission to spread joy, care, and compassion during the festive season. Mr. Frugal emphasized the importance of this initiative, stating, “It is very vital for us to ensure families enjoy the yuletide this year better than the previous. The holiday season should be a time of celebration, and we want to play a role in making it memorable for the residents of Greenwich.”

FEF envisions a day filled with festive cheer, community spirit, and moments of shared joy. The foundation is actively calling for community involvement, collaboration, and support to make this Christmas Caring Saturday’s a resounding success. Whether through donations, volunteering, or other acts of kindness, every contribution adds to the collective effort of creating a brighter and more joyful holiday season for families in Greenwich.

As FEF looks forward to December 21, the focus is not just on providing aid but on fostering a sense of community and togetherness during a time that holds immense significance for many. The Christmas Caring Saturday’s in Greenwich Community Aid represents a commitment to spreading goodwill and ensuring that the holiday season truly becomes a time of warmth, love, and shared happiness.

The Imperative of Sustained Giving

A Call for Compassion Despite Economic Realities

In a world often defined by economic uncertainties and global challenges, the act of giving stands as a beacon of hope, a testament to our shared humanity. Mr. Frugal, founder of the Frugal Empowerment Foundation, has been a stalwart advocate for the transformative power of sustained giving, emphasizing that, regardless of economic realities, our commitment to charity remains vital.

A Lifeline for the Vulnerable:
Charitable giving is not just a noble gesture; it’s a lifeline for countless individuals grappling with the harsh realities of poverty, illness, and despair. Mr. Frugal rightly recognizes that sustained giving is not merely an option; it’s a moral obligation to uplift those who find themselves on the fringes of society. In times of economic strain, the need is even more acute, as the vulnerable bear the brunt of adverse circumstances.

The Impact Beyond Measure:
Charity, as championed by Mr. Frugal, extends far beyond immediate material relief. It’s a catalyst for change, a force that empowers individuals and communities to break free from the chains of poverty. The impact of sustained giving is immeasurable, touching lives in ways that resonate across generations. By providing education, healthcare, and essential resources, we create a ripple effect that fosters self-reliance and sustainable progress.

A Moral Imperative:
In echoing the sentiments of Mr. Frugal, it becomes evident that sustained giving is not contingent on economic prosperity. Rather, it is a moral imperative that transcends financial fluctuations. The essence of charity lies in its ability to thrive even in challenging times, reminding us that our shared responsibility to one another knows no economic boundaries. As Mr. Frugal advocates, “Many out there will die if we stop giving to charity,” underscoring the life-and-death consequences of a cessation in philanthropy.
Building Resilient Communities:
Sustained giving is the cornerstone of building resilient communities. It equips individuals with the tools and opportunities to rise above their circumstances, fostering a spirit of collective upliftment. Mr. Frugal’s dedication to this cause is not just a commitment to charity; it’s a commitment to the creation of a world where everyone has the chance to thrive, irrespective of economic challenges.

A Legacy of Compassion:
As we navigate the complexities of our modern world, Mr. Frugal’s call for sustained giving beckons us to consider the legacy we leave behind. The measure of a society’s greatness is often found in its collective compassion and commitment to the well-being of its most vulnerable members. By embracing sustained giving, we contribute to a legacy that transcends individual achievements, leaving an indelible mark on the annals of humanity.

In conclusion, Mr. Frugal’s advocacy for sustained giving serves as a poignant reminder that our ability to give is not constrained by economic downturns. It is in these challenging times that the impact of our generosity is most profoundly felt. So, let us heed this call, recognizing that, regardless of economic realities, our sustained giving is a lifeline for those in desperate need, a beacon of hope in a world that sorely needs it.

SustainedGiving #Philanthropy #MrFrugal

Greenwich: FMA Prepares for Showdown at St Joseph Catholic Primary School

Get ready for a musical spectacle as Frugal Music Academy gears up for a dazzling showdown at St Joseph Catholic Primary School in Greenwich on February 23rd. This much-anticipated event promises to be an explosion of talent, rhythm, and melody as students from the academy take center stage to showcase their musical prowess.

Frugal Music Academy, known for its commitment to nurturing budding talents, is set to transform St Joseph Catholic Primary School into a hub of musical energy. From soulful tunes to heart-thumping beats, the repertoire of performances is curated to captivate and enchant the audience. This event is not just a musical showcase; it’s a celebration of the hard work, dedication, and passion of the students who have honed their skills under the guidance of the academy.

As the date draws near, the excitement is palpable, and the anticipation is building. Families, friends, and music enthusiasts are invited to witness the magic unfold at St Joseph Catholic Primary School on February 23rd. Be prepared for a night where melodies meet memories, and the stage comes alive with the vibrant spirit of the Frugal Music Academy. Stay tuned for an evening of musical brilliance that promises to be etched in the hearts of all who attend.

Frugal Flags off Frugal Music Online Show – A Weekend Extravaganza

In a bold move to infuse the online community with the magic of music and showcase the artistic brilliance of young talents, Frugal Entertainment proudly flags off the Frugal Music Online Show. Set to grace screens every weekend, this virtual musical journey promises to be a source of joy, inspiration, and a celebration of the creative prowess of youngsters.

Launching the Frugal Music Online Show is a testament to Frugal Entertainment’s commitment to spreading positivity and entertainment to the online community. As the world navigates through various challenges, this musical rendezvous aims to be a beacon of light, providing an escape into the enchanting world of music.

At the heart of the Frugal Music Online Show is the celebration of young artistic talents nurtured under the Frugal Empowerment Foundation. From soulful singers to dynamic performers, the show promises to be a canvas that highlights the diversity and vibrancy of emerging talents. Frugal Entertainment believes in providing a platform for these rising stars to shine, and this online show is a testament to that commitment.
The online community is invited to join the excitement every week by tuning in to Frugal Empowerment Foundation’s Facebook page @Frugal Empowerment Foundation. The show guarantees a captivating musical experience, with each episode designed to be a unique journey into the world of melodies, beats, and exceptional performances.

The weeks of January 2024 have already set the stage on fire, with FEF fans reveling in the musical delights brought to their screens. As the show gathers momentum, the promise is for even more fun, surprises, and unforgettable moments as the year unfolds.

In times where the world craves connection and uplifting moments, the Frugal Music Online Show is poised to be a musical oasis. It invites the online community to come together, celebrate talent, and immerse themselves in the joyous world of music.

Stay Tuned for the Unforgettable:
Frugal Entertainment encourages music enthusiasts, supporters of young talent, and the online community at large to stay tuned for this unforgettable musical journey. Join the excitement, share the joy, and be part of an experience that promises to resonate in the hearts of viewers every weekend.

In a world where music transcends boundaries, the Frugal Music Online Show is set to be a unifying force, bringing people together through the universal language of melodies. Tune in and let the weekends come alive with the magic of Frugal Entertainment.
#FrugalMusicOnline #MusicForAll #WeekendJoy

Dear Esteemed FEF Sponsors, Donors, Trustees, and Volunteers,

As we step into the vibrant month of March, I want to take a moment to extend my sincere gratitude to each one of you who contributes to the heartbeat of Frugal Empowerment Foundation. Your unwavering support and dedication have been the driving force behind our impactful initiatives, and we are deeply thankful for your commitment to our shared mission.

This month, we look forward to new opportunities, collaborations, and endeavors that will further uplift and empower the lives of those in need. Your continued support provides the foundation for our growth and enables us to extend our reach to even more communities.

Let’s march forward together, embracing the spirit of compassion and solidarity. Your generosity fuels our ability to make a positive difference in the lives of countless individuals. As we navigate this month, let’s continue to stand united in our pursuit of a better, more compassionate world.

Thank you for being the pillars of strength that propel Frugal Empowerment Foundation forward. Together, we can create lasting impact and meaningful change.

With gratitude and enthusiasm,

Frugal Empowerment Foundation


Dear Esteemed Members, Supporters, and Friends of Frugal Empowerment Foundation,

As we explore the vibrant month of February, we extend our warmest gratitude to each one of you who continues to stand by us in our mission to create positive change in communities. Your unwavering support is the heartbeat of Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF), and it fuels our determination to touch lives and make a lasting impact.

In this edition of our newsletter, we are excited to share the inspiring stories of resilience, hope, and transformation that your support has helped bring to life. From empowering widows to supporting education initiatives, your generosity is the driving force behind each success story we celebrate.

Your contributions, whether financial, in-kind, or through your valuable time and skills, resonate far beyond the pages of this newsletter. They reverberate in the lives of those we serve and echo in the communities we touch. Each act of kindness, each donation, and every moment you dedicate to FEF’s cause is a beacon of hope for someone in need.

As we navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, we invite you to continue this incredible journey with us. Together, we can amplify our impact, reach more lives, and create a world where every individual has the opportunity to thrive.

Thank you for being the backbone of FEF. Your commitment to humanity is the force that propels us forward, and we are immensely grateful for your partnership.

With heartfelt appreciation,

Mr. Frugal

Click to Read full February Newsletter

FEF January 2024 Newsletter Headline

2024: Frugal Calls for Deliberate Effort to Uplift the Vulnerable

As 2024 unfolds, Mr. Frugal, the visionary founder of the Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF), issues a compelling call to action, urging a more intentional and collective effort to support the vulnerable. This call is not just a moral imperative but a strategic move towards fostering unity and contributing to national growth.
Mr. Frugal emphasized the transformative power of deliberate efforts, stating, “As we step into 2024, let us make a conscious and united effort to uplift the vulnerable. It’s not merely an act of kindness; it’s a strategic investment in our shared future.” The call resonates with FEF’s overarching mission of creating positive change by addressing the needs of marginalized communities, recognizing that societal unity is a catalyst for sustainable national development.

The foundation contends that by actively supporting vulnerable populations, a nation can harness its collective potential for growth. The call for a deliberate effort underscores the belief that real and lasting change requires intentional actions, not just from organizations like FEF but from individuals, businesses, and communities at large.

As FEF gears up for its initiatives in 2024, it extends an invitation for individuals, organizations, and communities to join in this intentional effort. By uniting with shared goals and a commitment to uplifting those in need, the foundation envisions a future where compassion, unity, and collective growth become the cornerstones of a stronger and more resilient society. Frugal’s call echoes not just as a directive for the year but as a rallying cry for a sustained commitment to humanitarian values that can shape the destiny of a nation.

As the world ushers in a new year, Mr. Frugal, the visionary founder of the Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF), extends a heartfelt message resonating with the spirit of hope, compassion, and collective responsibility. In his New Year address, Mr. Frugal issues a global call for peace, unity, love, and support. Emphasizing the profound impact that collective efforts can have on communities worldwide, he invites individuals, organizations, and nations to come together in the pursuit of a better, more inclusive world.

Mr. Frugal’s message centers on the belief that the challenges of our time can be met with resilience, empathy, and shared responsibility. He highlights the foundation’s commitment to extending its impact globally, fostering a sense of interconnectedness that transcends borders. As the world grapples with various issues, Mr. Frugal’s New Year message serves as a beacon of inspiration, urging people to channel their energy into acts of kindness, understanding, and support, fostering a global community where the well-being of one is linked to the well-being of all.

In the spirit of the Frugal Empowerment Foundation’s mission, Mr. Frugal’s New Year message is not just a call for reflection but a rallying cry for individuals and nations to unite in their pursuit of positive change. As the world navigates the complexities of the present, Mr. Frugal’s vision points towards a future where collective compassion becomes the driving force behind meaningful transformation on a global scale.

Resounding Success: FEF Expresses Gratitude for Global Support in Recent Event

In the aftermath of a remarkable event that resonated with compassion and care, the Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF) extends its heartfelt appreciation to sponsors, members, and donors whose unwavering support transformed the occasion into a resounding success. The event, designed to touch lives across the globe, achieved its mission of spreading love and hope to communities in need.

Mr. Frugal, the visionary founder of FEF, expressed deep gratitude, stating, “Your unwavering support made this event a resounding success, touching lives across the globe. The love and care you shared reverberated through communities, bringing joy and hope where it’s needed the most.” This acknowledgment underscores the foundation’s belief in the power of collective giving and the positive impact it can have on a global scale.
Sponsors played a pivotal role in the success of the event, contributing not only financial support but also aligning their values with FEF’s mission. Their commitment to making a difference in the lives of others is recognized and appreciated by the foundation. FEF members, the driving force behind the organization’s initiatives, showcased their dedication and passion for creating positive change.

Donors, whose generosity knows no bounds, were instrumental in the event’s success. Their contributions, whether big or small, have a tangible impact on the lives of the less privileged. FEF recognizes that the success of such events is a shared achievement, made possible by the collaboration and compassion of a global community.

As FEF reflects on the reverberating impact of this recent event, it looks forward to continued collaboration with sponsors, members, and donors in its mission to empower and uplift communities worldwide. The foundation’s appreciation echoes not only through its words but in the lives touched and the hope ignited by the collective efforts of those who believe in the transformative power of compassion.

2024: FEF Unveils Ambitious Plans for a Year of Humanitarian Impact

As the new year takes off with so much hopes and anticipations, the Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF) sets its sights on an ambitious and impactful 2024. The foundation, led by the visionary Mr. Frugal, is gearing up to organize a series of charity events and intervention projects with the aim of touching the lives of over 2.5 million individuals. This commitment is rooted in FEF’s unwavering dedication to empowering vulnerable communities and nurturing the talents of young individuals.

Mr. Frugal, the driving force behind FEF, expressed his excitement and anticipation for the coming year. He stated, “We are certain that 2024 will be one of the most humanitarian impacting years at FEF because we are putting all in place for greater impact.” The foundation envisions expanding its reach to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those who need it most.

The planned charity events will not only provide essential support to vulnerable communities but also serve as a platform to empower and showcase the talents of young individuals. FEF believes in the transformative power of education, skill development, and community engagement, and these values will continue to guide their initiatives in the coming year.

As the world faces ongoing challenges, FEF remains steadfast in its commitment to fostering positive change. The foundation’s proactive approach and comprehensive plans for 2024 reaffirm its dedication to creating a more compassionate and empowered global community. The Frugal Empowerment Foundation invites individuals, partners, and communities to join hands in making 2024 a year of significant humanitarian impact.

UK Elderly Community Anticipates Frugal Caring Saturday’s Impact

In a heartening development, the elderly community in the United Kingdom is eagerly anticipating the forthcoming Caring Saturday events by the Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF) in 2024. Having witnessed the transformative impact of previous initiatives, the anticipation reflects the positive reputation and trust that FEF has garnered within the UK. The Caring Saturday events, tailored to cater to the unique needs of the elderly, are expected to bring joy, companionship, and essential support to this cherished demographic.

The excitement within the UK elderly community underscores the belief in FEF’s commitment to fostering holistic well-being. As Mr. Frugal, the visionary founder, prepares to extend the foundation’s caring touch across borders, the anticipation among the UK elderly community serves as a testament to the profound impact that community-centric initiatives can have on the lives of individuals, irrespective of geographical boundaries. The upcoming Caring Saturdays in the UK are poised to strengthen the foundation’s global footprint, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of the elderly and embodying the spirit of compassionate outreach.

Frugal’s Vision: Impacting 1 Million More in Communities

With a bold and unwavering vision, Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF) sets its sights on an ambitious goal for 2024 — impacting the lives of 1 million more individuals across communities. Mr. Frugal, the driving force behind the foundation, articulates this vision as a testament to the unwavering belief in the transformative power of compassion and community support. The foundation’s determination is fueled by the success stories of the past, reinforcing the conviction that with collective effort and a shared commitment, this goal is not just aspirational but entirely achievable.

This visionary undertaking reflects FEF’s dedication to broadening its positive footprint and reaching those who are most in need. The foundation believes that by expanding its impact, it can create a cascading effect of positive change, fostering resilience, empowerment, and hope in communities. As FEF embarks on this journey to impact 1 million more lives, it invites everyone who shares in its vision of a compassionate and inclusive world to join hands, turning belief into action and determination into lasting change.

Help Mrs. Marry Ajiboye Rebuild her Life!

Frugal Call for support for resilient widow with Four Children Urgent support

Meet Mrs. Marry Ajiboye, a resilient widow with four children, who dedicated her days to working as a debris remover in Abuja. Despite her hard work, inflation has cruelly eroded her monthly income of #20,000, leaving her struggling to survive even for four days.

In a recent eye-opening interview with Mr. Frugal, we discovered that Mrs. Marry spent a staggering #135,000 on expenses related to her job that only yields #20,000. This means she is barely scraping by, relying on daily street begging for sustenance. When no one lends a helping hand, her situation becomes dire.

Mrs. Marry’s story takes a heartbreaking turn – she used to sell foodstuffs until illness struck. Sadly, she had to use her business capital for medical treatment. Now, she can barely afford a meal a day.
We urgently need your support!

Let’s join hands to make a difference in Mrs. Marry Ajiboye’s life. Your generous donations can provide her with the support she needs to rebuild and reclaim a dignified life.
How to Donate:
Bank Name: Union Bank
Account Name: Frugal Empowerment Foundation
Account Number: 0076069968
For alternative donation methods or more information, please visit our website at
Your generosity can make a lasting impact. Thank you for caring and making a difference in Mrs. Marry Ajiboye’s life!

Celebration of Compassion: FEF’s Christmas Aid for Greenwich Community

In a world where the spirit of compassion unites communities, the Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF) marked the conclusion of 2023 with a profound celebration of giving. Collaborating with communities worldwide, FEF proudly organized the “Christmas Aid for Greenwich Community – Frugal Foundation Caring Saturdays,” an event that embodied the essence of the holiday season.

Throughout the year, FEF has been a beacon of hope and support for vulnerable communities, and as the festive season approached, the foundation aimed to make Christmas special for the Greenwich Community. The Christmas Aid initiative was a testament to the transformative power of collective giving, where FEF joined hands with communities globally to spread joy and relief to those in need.

The Caring Saturdays event was a holistic approach to community support, encompassing essential aid, skill development programs, and a celebration of shared humanity. It brought together volunteers, donors, and community members in a collective effort to make a positive impact. Mr. Frugal, the visionary founder of FEF, expressed his gratitude, stating, “In a world that often needs healing, our collective compassion shone brightly during the Christmas Aid for Greenwich Community. It’s heartening to see communities uniting for a cause that goes beyond borders.”

The success of this event echoed the foundation’s commitment to making a tangible difference in the lives of the less privileged. As FEF reflects on the accomplishments of 2023, it stands as a testament to what can be achieved when communities come together with a shared purpose — to create positive change and celebrate the true spirit of giving.

2024: FEF Sets Sights on Transformative Year

As the calendar turns to a new year, the Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF) is not merely embracing change; it’s actively shaping it. Anticipating an even more impactful 2024, the foundation, led by the visionary Mr. Frugal, is gearing up for a series of initiatives that promise to touch hearts and transform lives on a global scale.

With a steadfast commitment to its mission, FEF recognizes that the journey towards positive change is a collective effort. Mr. Frugal expressed his anticipation, stating, “Looking ahead, Frugal Empowerment Foundation anticipates an even more impactful 2024. With your ongoing support, we’re gearing up for initiatives that will touch hearts and transform lives globally.”

The foundation’s optimism is rooted in the unwavering support it has received from a global community of donors, volunteers, partners, and well-wishers. It is this collaborative spirit that has propelled FEF to achieve significant milestones in the past, and it forms the bedrock of the foundation’s ambitious plans for the future.
FEF envisions initiatives that go beyond geographical boundaries, fostering positive change in communities far and wide. The foundation’s approach is holistic, encompassing education, skill development, and community engagement. As the world continues to face challenges, FEF stands ready to make a profound impact on the lives of those in need.

The call is clear: as FEF gears up for an even more impactful 2024, the foundation invites individuals, organizations, and communities to join hands in shaping a future where compassion and empowerment reign supreme. The Frugal Empowerment Foundation is not just looking ahead; it’s leading the way into a year that holds the promise of transformative change and lasting positive impact.

You’re Pillars of Positive Change: Frugal to Volunteers

In a heartfelt expression of gratitude, the Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF) extends its deepest appreciation to its incredible volunteers, acknowledging them as the heart of the foundation’s mission. The tireless dedication and unwavering efforts of these volunteers have not only been noticed but celebrated as integral to the profound impact FEF continues to make in communities worldwide.

“To our incredible volunteers, you are the heart of this mission,” states Mr. Frugal, the visionary founder of FEF. These individuals, driven by a passion for positive change, have been the driving force behind the foundation’s initiatives. From participating in community outreach programs to actively contributing to skill development workshops, their commitment is a testament to the transformative power of collective effort.
The impact of volunteers goes beyond the tangible outcomes of FEF’s projects. Their presence represents a community united in its commitment to making a difference. As Mr. Frugal notes, “Your dedication and tireless efforts made a profound impact.” It is through the selflessness of these volunteers that FEF is able to reach and uplift those in need.

In a world that often requires the healing touch of kindness, the volunteers of FEF stand as beacons of hope. Together, they form a strong and united force, demonstrating that positive change is not just a lofty goal but an achievable reality. As FEF continues its mission, the foundation looks to its volunteers with gratitude, recognizing that it is their collective spirit that propels the vision of making the world a better place into a tangible and transformative reality.

23rd December Caring Saturdays: A Resounding Success Across the Globe

In a remarkable show of unity and compassion, the Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF) marked the 23rd of December as a day of profound impact and joy during its Caring Saturdays events. With activities spanning across the UK, Edo State, Benue State, Adamawa state, and more, the foundation succeeded in bringing smiles and relief to vulnerable communities. The events, organized to provide support to the less privileged during the holiday season, showcased the power of collective giving and community engagement.

The resounding success of these Caring Saturdays was acknowledged with immense joy and fulfillment by Mr. Frugal, the visionary founder of FEF. Speaking on the achievement, he expressed gratitude to the global community for their support and generosity, stating, “We are thrilled to announce that over 2 million lives were impacted during our Caring Saturdays. The success of these events is a testament to the strength of our collective compassion, and we extend our heartfelt appreciation to everyone who contributed to making this possible.”

Looking ahead to the future, Mr. Frugal conveyed a sense of anticipation and commitment to an even more impactful 2024. The foundation, fueled by the success of its recent endeavors, is poised to expand its reach and make an even greater difference in the lives of the vulnerable. With the support of a caring global community, FEF is gearing up for a year of heightened initiatives, aiming to touch the hearts and lives of those who need it most.

2023: A Year of Compassion, Connection

In 2023, the Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF) embarked on a series of impactful events dedicated to caring for the elderly. These initiatives were designed not only to provide practical support but also to foster meaningful connections and celebrate the wisdom of the older generation. Throughout the year, Frugal’s Elderly Care Events became a hallmark of compassion, leaving a lasting impact on both the elderly participants and the volunteers involved.

These events, held across various locations, encompassed a range of activities aimed at addressing the unique needs of the elderly. From health check-ups and practical assistance to recreational activities and social interactions, FEF’s initiatives aimed at creating holistic support systems for the elderly. The events were not merely about addressing physical needs but also about recognizing and celebrating the invaluable contributions of the elderly to society.

Volunteers played a central role in making these events successful. Their dedication and enthusiasm in engaging with the elderly participants created an atmosphere of warmth and genuine connection. Mr. Frugal, the founder of FEF, expressed gratitude for the volunteers, acknowledging that their efforts were instrumental in making the Elderly Care Events a source of joy and comfort for the elderly.

FEF Expanding: 16 States in Nigeria Ready for Caring Saturdays 2024

In a significant stride towards broadening its impact, the Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF) is gearing up to extend its transformative Caring Saturday initiative to 16 states across Nigeria in 2024. The foundation, well-known for its commitment to uplifting vulnerable communities, aims to touch the lives of even more individuals by increasing the reach of its community-focused programs. This expansion signals a new chapter for FEF, reflecting its dedication to creating positive change on a nationwide scale.

As preparations unfold for Caring Saturdays 2024, FEF is calling for collaboration from individuals, businesses, and organizations. The foundation recognizes that collective efforts are pivotal in making a substantial impact on the lives of the vulnerable. Mr. Frugal, the visionary founder, emphasizes the importance of community engagement, stating, “Expanding our reach means reaching more hearts and transforming more lives. We are inviting everyone to join hands with us in this meaningful journey towards a more compassionate and inclusive society.”

The move to extend Caring Saturdays to 16 states underscores FEF’s commitment to making a tangible difference in the lives of those who need it most. By fostering collaboration and unity, the foundation envisions a network of support that transcends geographic boundaries, creating a ripple effect of positive change across the nation. As the new year unfolds, the Frugal Empowerment Foundation stands poised to write a chapter of increased impact, solidarity, and transformative care.

Appreciation and New Year Note From FEF State Managers

As the State Managers of Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF), we extend our heartfelt appreciation to each one of you who, through your generosity and commitment, have played an integral role in making 2023 a year of impactful change and compassion.

Your unwavering support has been the driving force behind the success of our numerous initiatives. Whether through financial contributions, volunteering, or spreading awareness, your dedication has allowed us to reach and uplift vulnerable communities, making a significant positive difference in the lives of those in need.
We express our deepest gratitude to our esteemed donors who have not just funded our projects but have believed in the vision of FEF, becoming true partners in our mission. Your support has enabled us to implement programs, from educational initiatives to elderly care events, that touch hearts and transform lives.

To our dedicated members, your tireless efforts and commitment to our cause have been the backbone of FEF. Your passion for humanitarian work is inspiring, and we are privileged to have you as part of our community. Together, we have created a network of change-makers dedicated to making the world a better place.

Last but certainly not least, our esteemed founder, Mr. Frugal. Your vision, leadership, and unwavering commitment to the foundation’s mission are the guiding lights that have led us to numerous successes. Your passion for humanity, coupled with your strategic direction, has been the catalyst for the positive impact we’ve achieved.

As we step into 2024, we wish each and every one of you a New Year filled with joy, prosperity, and continued purpose. May the collective efforts of FEF and its supporters create an even more profound impact on the lives of those in need. Together, let us build a future where compassion and empowerment redefine the landscape of humanitarian work.
Thank you for being an essential part of the Frugal Empowerment Foundation family. Your contributions, big and small, have made and continue to make a world of difference.
With heartfelt gratitude and warm wishes for a wonderful New Year,

FMA- Frugal Send Heartfelt New Year Appreciation

A Heartfelt New Year As we stand on the threshold of a new year, it is with immense gratitude and heartfelt appreciation that I extend my warmest wishes to the incredible team and students of the Frugal Music Academy. The past year has been a testament to the unwavering dedication, talent, and passion that each one of you brings to this musical journey.

In 2023, we witnessed the crescendo of musical brilliance from the academy, with performances that not only showcased skill but also reflected the soulful essence of each artist. To the teachers, mentors, and everyone who played a role in nurturing this talent, your commitment to excellence is the bedrock upon which the Frugal Music Academy stands.

To the students, you are the melody and rhythm that animates the very spirit of the academy. Your hard work, creativity, and willingness to learn have made each note played and sung a testament to the potential that resides within you. As we bid farewell to 2023, I want to express my profound appreciation for your dedication and the joy you bring to the art of music.

Looking ahead to 2024, my wish for each member of the Frugal Music Academy family is a year that resonates with fulfillment, growth, and boundless musical achievements. May the coming months bring you more opportunities to explore your creativity, to challenge and surpass your limits, and to contribute to the rich tapestry of music that defines our academy.
In this new year, let the chords you strike and the songs you compose be a reflection of the passion that fuels your musical journey. May 2024 be a year of harmonious melodies, collaborative symphonies, and individual achievements that surpass even your wildest dreams. Thank you for being an integral part of the Frugal Music Academy family, and here’s to a new year filled with endless possibilities and the joy of creating beautiful music together.
Wishing you all a Happy New Year!

Dec 2023 Edo State Caring Saturday’s: A Beacon of Hope for Nigerian Elders and Widows

In a heartwarming display of compassion, the Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF) hosted a transformative Caring Saturday event in Edo State on December [Day], [Year]. The event, designed to bring joy and support to elderly individuals and widows, became a beacon of hope for the local community. Volunteers from FEF, along with community members, came together to create a day filled with warmth, laughter, and meaningful connections.

The Caring Saturday’s initiative in Edo State included a range of activities tailored to meet the unique needs of elders and widows. From health check-ups and wellness sessions to entertainment and interactive programs, the event aimed at providing holistic support. Mr. Frugal, the founder of FEF, expressed his gratitude to the volunteers and participants, emphasizing that such initiatives are a testament to the foundation’s commitment to uplifting the vulnerable and creating a sense of community and care.

The impact of the event was palpable, resonating not only with the beneficiaries but also with the volunteers who experienced the joy of making a difference. The Caring Saturday’s in Edo State stands as a shining example of how collective efforts, fueled by empathy and a commitment to humanitarian values, can create lasting positive change. As FEF continues its mission into the new year, events like these serve as beacons of hope, lighting the way for a future where the vulnerable are supported, and no one is left behind.

FEF December 2023 Newsletter Headline

Femty’s Compassionate Appeal Aims to Transform Lives of 300k Crisis-Stricken Children in North East Nigeria

In a heartfelt and compassionate appeal, Femty, the Afro-reggae sensation under the Frugal Entertainment banner, has launched an ambitious initiative to transform the lives of 300,000 crisis-stricken children in North East Nigeria. This noble endeavor comes in response to the dire humanitarian situation in the region, where conflicts and displacement have left countless children vulnerable and in desperate need of support.

Femty, known not only for his musical prowess but also for his commitment to social causes, seeks to address the immediate needs of these children, ranging from access to education to basic necessities like food, clean water, and healthcare. His appeal is a poignant reminder that beyond the stage and spotlight, artists can wield their influence to effect positive change in the lives of those facing the harshest circumstances.

The crisis in North East Nigeria has left a lasting impact on the lives of many, especially children who find themselves caught in the crossfire of conflict. Femty’s appeal is a rallying call to individuals, organizations, and the broader community to join hands in supporting this initiative. The goal of reaching 300,000 children might seem daunting, but Femty’s vision is fueled by a belief that collective efforts can bring about transformative change.

The Frugal Entertainment family stands firmly behind Femty in this endeavor, echoing the commitment of the organization to social responsibility and making a meaningful impact. The question now arises: Can Femty achieve this ambitious goal? It is a question that transcends the individual and beckons the collective conscience of society to respond to the urgent needs of those who are often forgotten in the shadows of crisis.

As Femty’s compassionate appeal gains momentum, it becomes a powerful reminder that the world of music can be a catalyst for change, a force that transcends entertainment to become a beacon of hope in the darkest of times. The success of this initiative will not only hinge on the generosity of donors but also on the collective will to stand with the vulnerable and ensure that, through unity and compassion, lives are transformed for the better.

Dec 2023: A Season of Giving,Gratitude.. Mr. Frugal

As we step into the embrace of December, I extend a warm and heartfelt welcome to each one of you. This month, with its crisp air and festive spirit, holds the promise of joy, kindness, and the magic of giving. I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits as we approach the close of yet another remarkable year.

As we reflect on the months gone by, I am filled with profound gratitude for the incredible support we’ve received. The Frugal Empowerment Foundation has thrived because of the unwavering dedication of our supporters, volunteers, and friends. Your generosity has been the driving force behind the positive change we’ve achieved together. Whether it was through financial contributions, volunteering your time, or simply spreading the word about our initiatives, each act of support has made a tangible difference.

December is not just a month; it’s a call to action, a summons to extend our hands and hearts to those who need it the most. This year, our Christmas charity projects aim to bring warmth and joy to vulnerable communities. I invite you, once again, to stand with us in this endeavor. Your support, whether in the form of donations, volunteering, or simply sharing our message, has the power to create meaningful and lasting impact.

To all who have been part of the Frugal journey in 2023, I express my deepest appreciation. Your belief in our mission has been the bedrock of our success. As we navigate the festive season, let’s not forget the true spirit of Christmas — the spirit of giving. Together, let’s make this December a beacon of hope and love for those in need.

May the magic of the season fill your hearts with joy, and may the coming year bring you prosperity and fulfillment. Thank you for being the guiding lights that illuminate the path of the Frugal Empowerment Foundation.
Warmest Regards,
Mr. Frugal

Frugal Empowerment Foundation Affirms Commitment to Bring Joy to the Aged

In a resounding declaration of commitment, the Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF) asserts its unwavering dedication to bringing joy to the lives of the elderly. Founder Mr. Frugal, speaking to FEF Media, expressed the foundation’s deep conviction in caring for those who dedicated their lives to raising the children of yesterday, who now stand as the leaders of today. “Caring for the elderly is dear to our mission. We strive to make their old age a period of joy and fulfillment, acknowledging the immeasurable contributions they’ve made to society,” Mr. Frugal affirmed.

FEF’s initiatives for the elderly extend beyond basic care; they aim to create an environment where the aged experience genuine joy and companionship. Recognizing that the elderly carry a wealth of wisdom and experience, FEF’s commitment is grounded in the belief that honoring and cherishing the elderly is not only a moral duty but a source of inspiration for younger generations. The foundation stands as a beacon of support for the aged, emphasizing the importance of intergenerational connections and the unique role seniors play in shaping the fabric of our communities.

As part of this commitment, FEF is actively organizing events and programs that celebrate and uplift the elderly. These initiatives are designed not only to meet the physical needs of the aged but to create spaces where they can share stories, laughter, and meaningful connections. Mr. Frugal’s statement reflects the ethos of FEF, where the joy of the elderly is considered a priority, aligning with the foundation’s broader mission of empowerment, compassion, and positive community impact.

Frugal Foundation’s Compassionate Response to the Humanitarian Crisis in Benue State

As Benue State grapples with the throes of an ongoing humanitarian crisis, the Frugal Foundation has taken up the mantle of support, actively engaging in initiatives that span across various cities. The foundation’s multifaceted approach addresses the diverse needs of affected communities, offering a ray of hope in challenging times. Mr. Frugal, the driving force behind the foundation, emphasizes that their initiatives extend beyond immediate relief to encompass skill training, provision of relief materials, talent development, and more.

The Frugal Foundation’s involvement in skill training endeavors is a strategic move to empower individuals and communities in the face of adversity. By equipping people with valuable skills, the foundation aims to facilitate long-term recovery and create a foundation for sustainable growth. In addition to skill development, the provision of relief materials meets the immediate needs of those affected, offering comfort and assistance during trying times.

Talent development emerges as a unique aspect of FEF’s approach, recognizing the importance of nurturing the creative potential within communities. This holistic strategy speaks to the foundation’s commitment to not only alleviating the immediate challenges posed by the crisis but also fostering resilience and growth. Mr. Frugal extends an earnest invitation to individuals and organizations, urging them to join hands with the Frugal Foundation in making a positive impact on the lives of those affected in Benue State.

In the midst of despair, Mr. Frugal reassures that the foundation is a beacon of hope. “When All Hope Is Almost Lost, FEF Steps In,” he affirms, underscoring the foundation’s unwavering commitment to being a force for positive change. Your support is not just a donation; it is an investment in the restoration of hope, the rebuilding of communities, and the creation of a more resilient and empowered future for the people of Benue State.

A Harmonious Welcome at FMA UK for Mr. Frugal

In a heartwarming reception that echoed with the promise of musical brilliance, Frugal Music Academy UK extended a warm welcome to the distinguished figurehead, Mr. Frugal, fresh from the resounding success of the Frugal Music Fiesta. The anticipation was palpable as students and faculty alike eagerly awaited the arrival of the visionary behind Frugal Entertainment.

As Mr. Frugal graced the hallowed halls of the UK’s Frugal Music Academy, the atmosphere buzzed with excitement. His presence marked not only a momentous occasion for the academy but also a bridge connecting the vibrancy of musical talent showcased at the Frugal Music Fiesta to the rich tapestry of the UK’s musical landscape.

Amidst the warmth of the welcome, Mr. Frugal, with characteristic enthusiasm, extended greetings to the new cohort of students embarking on their musical journey. His words, a melodic symphony of encouragement, resonated with the promise that each student, like a note in a composition, has the potential to contribute to the ever-evolving melody of Frugal’s musical legacy.

As the Frugal Music Academy UK embraces the arrival of Mr. Frugal, the anticipation for the harmonies that will emerge from this collaboration is palpable. The union of talent, guidance, and a shared passion for music sets the stage for a harmonious chapter in the academy’s journey, echoing the sentiment that in music and in welcome, there is an extraordinary power to connect hearts and inspire dreams.

Frugal Calls for Support for Vulnerable Communities This December

As December dawns once again, the Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF) extends a heartfelt call for support to uplift vulnerable communities during the holiday season. Recognizing the increased challenges faced by many during this time, Mr. Frugal, the visionary founder, emphasizes the importance of collective action in making a positive impact. The Frugal Foundation’s annual Caring Saturdays Charity Event, a beacon of hope, seeks support from individuals, businesses, and communities to extend care and compassion to those who need it the most.

In the spirit of giving, the foundation calls on the community to join hands in making Caring Saturdays a resounding success. The event, slated for multiple Saturdays throughout December, is a platform where the foundation intensifies its efforts to provide not just material support but also emotional and communal upliftment. From distributing essential supplies to organizing activities that bring joy, Caring Saturdays embody the true essence of the holiday spirit — sharing and caring for one another.

Mr. Frugal, in his call for support, highlights that every contribution, whether big or small, plays a crucial role in making a difference. The foundation aims to reach more families, more individuals, and create a ripple effect of positivity that extends far beyond the holiday season. It’s an invitation to be part of a movement that believes in the transformative power of collective compassion, where each act of kindness contributes to a stronger, more resilient community.

Caring Saturdays is not just an event; it’s a manifestation of FEF’s commitment to empowering vulnerable communities. The call for support is an invitation to be part of a larger narrative — one where the community rallies together to ensure that no one is left behind, especially during the festive season. As December unfolds, the Frugal Foundation stands as a catalyst for change, reminding us all that the true spirit of the holidays lies in the joy of giving and the warmth of shared humanity.

Frugal Embodies Passion for Elderly Care Caring Saturday

In a heartfelt testament to its unwavering commitment to humanity, the Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF) recently held a highly successful Elderly Care Caring Saturday on the 21st of October. The event, spearheaded by FEF’s visionary founder Mr. Frugal, was more than a community gathering; it was a poignant expression of compassion and connection. “Our passion is on humanity; our joy is fulfilled when lives are touched,” Mr. Frugal stated during the event, emphasizing the foundation’s dedication to making a positive impact on the lives of others.

The Elderly Care Caring Saturday was a testament to FEF’s belief in the transformative power of compassion and community engagement. From shared laughter to meaningful conversations, the event created an atmosphere where the elderly felt cherished and valued. Mr. Frugal highlighted the significance of these moments, stating, “The joy we derive from these moments of connection and care fuels our determination to continue the mission of impacting humanity positively.”

The success of the Elderly Care Caring Saturday was not merely in the activities and programs but in the genuine connections forged between community members and the elderly. FEF’s commitment to humanity extends beyond isolated events; it is embedded in the foundation’s ethos. The event served as a reminder that positive change starts with meaningful connections and acts of kindness. As FEF continues its mission, the momentum gained from this caring initiative will undoubtedly propel the foundation forward in its endeavors to make a lasting and positive impact on the broader community.


FEF November 2023 Newsletter Headline

Dec 2023: Frugal Sets to Impact 300K Vulnerable Children

In a bold and ambitious move, the Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF) under the leadership of Mr. Frugal, has unveiled its desire to impact up to 300,000 vulnerable children this December. The foundation, known for its unwavering commitment to community empowerment, aims to bring joy, education, and hope to children facing various adversities during the festive season. Mr. Frugal expressed his heartfelt determination, stating, “Supporting FEF’s cause this season to impact children’s lives is key to its actualization.”

The ambitious goal aligns with FEF’s mission to create positive and lasting change in the lives of vulnerable communities. December, often a time of celebration, can be particularly challenging for children facing economic hardships. FEF’s desire to reach such a significant number reflects not only the foundation’s commitment but also the urgency to address the diverse needs of a large number of vulnerable children.

Supporting FEF’s cause this season becomes a rallying call for individuals, businesses, and organizations to join hands in making a tangible impact. The foundation envisions a collaborative effort that goes beyond charity, aiming to provide not only immediate relief but also sustainable solutions that empower children to break free from the cycle of poverty. As Mr. Frugal aptly puts it, “This is a season of giving, and our collective support can turn this vision into reality, bringing smiles and hope to the faces of hundreds of thousands of vulnerable children.” The call to action is an invitation to contribute to a meaningful and transformative December for these children, fostering a brighter and more hopeful future for all.

Our Passion is on Humanity, Our Joy Fulfilled Touching Lives

On the occasion of International Humanitarian Day, Mr. Frugal, the visionary founder of the Frugal Empowerment Foundation, emphasized the organization’s unwavering commitment to promoting love, care, and support for humanity’s most vulnerable populations.
Speaking to the FEF volunteers, supporters, and Trustees, Mr. Frugal acknowledged the significance of the day in recognizing the importance of humanitarian work around the world. He stressed that the core values of the Frugal Empowerment Foundation—love, care, and support—are the driving forces behind the organization’s remarkable achievements in improving the lives of countless individuals.

“With every act of kindness, every hand extended in compassion, we have the power to transform lives and create a more just and equitable world,” Mr. Frugal passionately declared. He recounted the foundation’s journey, highlighting its initiatives ranging from providing essential healthcare services to underserved communities to offering seed funding support for women and talent development opportunities for marginalized youth.
The Frugal Empowerment Foundation, under Mr. Frugal’s visionary leadership, has consistently championed the cause of humanitarianism. Their projects have reached far-flung corners of the globe, delivering aid to disaster-stricken regions, crisis victim, challenged migrant, empowering women with vocational training, and ensuring access to clean water and nutrition for impoverished families.

“As we celebrate International Humanitarian Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to embodying the principles of love, care, and support in all aspects of our lives,” Mr. Frugal urged. He emphasized that every individual has a role to play in making a positive impact on society, irrespective of their resources. “We can all contribute to the betterment of humanity, whether through volunteering, spreading awareness, or extending a helping hand to those in need,” he added.

(FEF) Calls for Collaboration to Restore Hopes for Vulnerable Children

In a poignant call to action, the Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF) is rallying for collaborative efforts to bridge the gap and restore hopes for vulnerable children facing dire circumstances in Nigeria. The foundation, known for its unwavering commitment to community empowerment, recognizes the urgent need to address the challenges that many children are enduring due to various adversities. FEF’s Founder, Mr. Frugal, stressed the importance of coming together to make a meaningful impact, stating, “Our collective efforts can be the bridge that leads these vulnerable children from despair to hope.”

Nigeria, like many parts of the world, has faced numerous challenges that disproportionately affect vulnerable children. From economic hardships to the impact of crises, these children often find themselves on the fringes of society, struggling to access education, healthcare, and basic necessities. FEF’s call for collaboration seeks to unite individuals, organizations, and communities willing to contribute their resources, expertise, and compassion to make a significant and lasting difference in the lives of these children.

The foundation envisions a collaborative approach that goes beyond charity to create sustainable solutions and opportunities for vulnerable children. By joining forces, FEF aims to provide not only immediate relief but also a pathway for these children to break free from the cycle of poverty, empowering them to lead fulfilling lives. FEF’s call for collaboration is an invitation to be a part of a transformative journey, where each contribution becomes a vital brick in the bridge that leads to restored hopes and brighter futures for the vulnerable children of Nigeria.

Frugal Empowerment Foundation Affirms Commitment to Bring Joy to the Aged

In a resounding declaration of commitment, the Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF) asserts its unwavering dedication to bringing joy to the lives of the elderly. Founder Mr. Frugal, speaking to FEF Media, expressed the foundation’s deep conviction in caring for those who dedicated their lives to raising the children of yesterday, who now stand as the leaders of today. “Caring for the elderly is dear to our mission. We strive to make their old age a period of joy and fulfillment, acknowledging the immeasurable contributions they’ve made to society,” Mr. Frugal affirmed.

FEF’s initiatives for the elderly extend beyond basic care; they aim to create an environment where the aged experience genuine joy and companionship. Recognizing that the elderly carry a wealth of wisdom and experience, FEF’s commitment is grounded in the belief that honoring and cherishing the elderly is not only a moral duty but a source of inspiration for younger generations. The foundation stands as a beacon of support for the aged, emphasizing the importance of intergenerational connections and the unique role seniors play in shaping the fabric of our communities.

As part of this commitment, FEF is actively organizing events and programs that celebrate and uplift the elderly. These initiatives are designed not only to meet the physical needs of the aged but to create spaces where they can share stories, laughter, and meaningful connections. Mr. Frugal’s statement reflects the ethos of FEF, where the joy of the elderly is considered a priority, aligning with the foundation’s broader mission of empowerment, compassion, and positive community impact.

FEF September 2023 Newsletter Headline

Sept – Dec 2023Frugal Empowerment Foundation Announces Humanitarian Events for Late 2023

The Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF), has unveiled an extensive series of humanitarian events scheduled from September to December 2023. FEF’s plan aims to make a substantial impact on countless lives while expressing heartfelt gratitude to its dedicated members and generous donors for their unwavering support that has enabled the organization to touch over 1.6 million lives throughout its existence.
FEF’s Humanitarian Endeavors
FEF’s late 2023 calendar is packed with an array of initiatives designed to address a myriad of societal challenges. These events encompass educational drives, healthcare clinics, food distribution programs, and initiatives to reach the vulnerable and elderly care homes. The organization’s holistic approach to humanitarian efforts seeks to create lasting, positive change in the communities it serves.
A History of Impact
As FEF gears up for these upcoming events, it pauses to reflect on its remarkable journey. Over the years, FEF’s relentless dedication and the generosity of its members and donors have allowed it to reach and uplift over 1.6 million lives across the globe. From building schools in underprivileged regions to providing critical medical care in disaster-stricken areas, FEF’s work has brought hope and tangible improvements to countless individuals and communities.

Expressing Gratitude
FEF’s founder, Mr. Frugal, expressed deep gratitude to the members and donors who have stood by the organization’s side. “The impact we’ve made on 1.6 million lives is a testament to the power of collective action and generosity,” he stated. “We couldn’t have achieved this without the dedication of our members and the unwavering support of our donors. Their contributions have been instrumental in our mission.”
A Call to Join the Cause
As we at FEF prepares to launch its late 2023 humanitarian events, FEF invites individuals, businesses, and other organizations to join them in our mission to make a difference. Whether through volunteering, donations, or spreading awareness, FEF believes that everyone has a role to play in improving lives and fostering positive change in the world.
FEF’s upcoming initiatives promise to inspire hope and drive transformation in communities worldwide, building on the organization’s history of touching lives and making a meaningful impact on the journey towards a more compassionate and equitable world.

Frugal Advocates Universal Contribution to Humanity

In a compelling message of altruism and social responsibility, Mr. Frugal, the visionary founder of Frugal Empowerment, has fervently emphasized the power of collective efforts towards the betterment of humanity. In an exclusive interview, Mr. Frugal articulated the significance of volunteering, raising awareness, and extending help to those in need as pivotal pathways to positive change.

As the driving force behind Frugal Empowerment, an organization known for its impactful initiatives in , poverty alleviation, and community development, Mr. Frugal’s words hold weight. “We can all contribute to the betterment of humanity, whether through volunteering, spreading awareness, or extending a helping hand to those in need,” he stated passionately. “It’s not just the responsibility of governments or large organizations; every individual has a role to play.”Mr. Frugal’s advocacy comes at a time when global challenges, from climate change to economic inequality, demand unified action. He believes that small, collective efforts can lead to profound and lasting changes. Whether it’s offering one’s time to mentor underprivileged youth, advocating for sustainable practices, or supporting local charities, each contribution, no matter how modest, is a step towards a brighter future.

Frugal Empowerment, under Mr. Frugal’s leadership, has embodied this ethos through a myriad of successful campaigns. From organizing community clean-ups to partnering with schools to provide free education resources, the organization’s impact has been undeniable. This advocacy also extends to businesses and corporations, urging them to integrate social responsibility into their core practices.As more individuals and organizations embrace this call to action, the legacy of Mr. Frugal’s advocacy is poised to shape a future where humanity’s betterment is a shared endeavor, transcending boundaries and creating a world that thrives on unity and empathy.

Frugal Expresses Profound Gratitude to Community

In a heartfelt message of appreciation, Mr. Frugal, the visionary founder of Frugal Empowerment, extended his deepest thanks to the community that has been an unwavering source of support throughout the organization’s journey. “You have been the source of our success all the way,” Mr. Frugal emphasized, recognizing the pivotal role that the community has played in the organization’s achievements.

As Frugal Empowerment stands on the precipice of yet another series of humanitarian events and initiatives, Mr. Frugal’s words resonate with the spirit of unity and collaboration that has fueled the organization’s mission. Over the years, this community has demonstrated unwavering dedication, from volunteering their time and expertise to contributing essential resources, all in service of a shared vision for a better world.

Mr. Frugal’s profound gratitude underscores the powerful impact that a united community can have in creating positive change. As Frugal Empowerment continues its journey, it does so with the unwavering support of a community that embodies the values of compassion, empathy, and collective responsibility, fostering a brighter future for all.

Int’l Humanitarian Day: Frugal Speaks on Commitment for Humanity

On the occasion of International Humanitarian Day, Mr. Frugal, the visionary founder of the Frugal Empowerment Foundation, emphasized the organization’s unwavering commitment to promoting love, care, and support for humanity’s most vulnerable populations.

Speaking to the FEF volunteers, supporters, and Trustees, Mr. Frugal acknowledged the significance of the day in recognizing the importance of humanitarian work around the world. He stressed that the core values of the Frugal Empowerment Foundation—love, care, and support—are the driving forces behind the organization’s remarkable achievements in improving the lives of countless individuals.

“With every act of kindness, every hand extended in compassion, we have the power to transform lives and create a more just and equitable world,” Mr. Frugal passionately declared. He recounted the foundation’s journey, highlighting its initiatives ranging from providing essential healthcare services to underserved communities to offering seed funding support for women and talent development opportunities for marginalized youth.

The Frugal Empowerment Foundation, under Mr. Frugal’s visionary leadership, has consistently championed the cause of humanitarianism. Their projects have reached far-flung corners of the globe, delivering aid to disaster-stricken regions, crisis victim, challenged migrant, empowering women with vocational training, and ensuring access to clean water and nutrition for impoverished families.

“As we celebrate International Humanitarian Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to embodying the principles of love, care, and support in all aspects of our lives,” Mr. Frugal urged. He emphasized that every individual has a role to play in making a positive impact on society, irrespective of their resources. “We can all contribute to the betterment of humanity, whether through volunteering, spreading awareness, or extending a helping hand to those in need,” he added.

FEF Testimonies Inspire Calls for Increased Support

The Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF) have shared moving accounts of how the organization’s initiatives have transformed their lives. These touching stories of empowerment, resilience, and hope have left a profound impact on both the foundation and its supporters, prompting FEF’s founder, Mr. Frugal, to call for increased donations and support.

FEF, known for its dedication to equipping individuals and communities with love care and support, has received an overwhelming response from those who have benefited from its programs. From families lifted out of poverty to individuals who have gained newfound financial independence, the testimonies underscore the positive impact the foundation has made.

Mr. Frugal, the driving force behind FEF’s mission, expressed his gratitude for the testimonials and emphasized the need for continued support. He stated, “These heartwarming stories remind us of the incredible difference we can make together. We’ve transformed lives, but there’s still so much more to be done. With your support, we can reach even more individuals and communities in need.”

FEF’s call for increased donations and support comes at a crucial time, as the demand for their services continues to grow. With every contribution, the foundation can expand its reach and empower more vulnerable people to overcome financial challenges.

As the testimonies continue to pour in, it’s clear that FEF’s work is making a significant impact on those it serves. With Mr. Frugal’s plea for increased support, the foundation is poised to continue its mission of transforming lives and building brighter futures for individuals and communities in need.

FEF SBE- FEF Calls for Support for Petty Trader:

“Dear Community, Amaka Eze is in Desperate Need of Your Help Right Now,”

In a heartfelt plea for compassion and community support, the Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF) has launched an urgent campaign to aid Amaka Eze, a struggling petty trader facing dire circumstances. Mr. Frugal, the founder of FEF, has made a passionate appeal to the community, urging them to come together and extend a helping hand to Amaka during her time of need.

Amaka Eze, a dedicated petty trader, has fallen on hard times due to a series of unfortunate events, including financial setbacks. She represents the very individuals whom FEF is committed to empowering, and her story has touched the hearts of many within the community.

Mr. Frugal, known for his unwavering commitment to improving the lives of those in need, stated, “Amaka’s situation is a stark reminder that financial hardships can affect anyone. Our foundation has always strived to uplift individuals like Amaka, and now, we need your support more than ever to make a real difference in her life.”

FEF’s call for support for Amaka Eze underscores the organization’s mission to provide practical assistance and financial empowerment to individuals facing economic difficulties. As the community rallies to aid this struggling trader, it demonstrates the power of collective kindness and the potential for positive change when people come together to support one another.

Frugal Initiates Bold Support for Vulnerable Communities in Greece

The Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF) has embarked on a commendable mission to uplift the lives of the vulnerable in Greece. The project is dedicated to supporting low-income families, addressing homelessness, providing assistance to refugees, and offering crucial immigration advisory services. FEF’s commitment to these causes is reflected through our innovative charity program known as “Caring Saturdays,” making significant impact in the communities it serves.

“Caring Saturdays” represent a unique initiative where members of the vulnerable communities gather to discuss the issues that profoundly affect their well-being. During these gatherings, FEF facilitates open and constructive dialogues aimed at understanding the challenges faced by these communities better. The foundation’s team of dedicated professionals provides an array of advice and support services tailored to the specific needs of each community.

The foundation’s dedication to supporting low-income families, addressing homelessness, providing assistance to refugees, and offering immigration advisory services aligns with its broader mission to empower individuals and communities worldwide.

With No Public Grants, FEF Impacted Over 1.6 Million

In a remarkable testament to the power of grassroots efforts and unwavering determination, Mr. Frugal, the founder of the Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF), has shared the inspiring story of the foundation’s journey. Despite receiving no public grants, FEF has managed to impact over 1.6 million communities since its inception in 2017. Mr. Frugal recently recounted the incredible achievements and challenges that have shaped the foundation’s path.

Since its inception, the Frugal Empowerment Foundation has been on a mission to uplift communities by providing vital resources, financial education, and practical skills. What makes their journey even more remarkable is their ability to make a significant impact without relying on public funding. Mr. Frugal attributes this success to the dedication of FEF’s team and the unwavering support of donors, both large and small.
“Our journey has been challenging, but incredibly rewarding,” Mr. Frugal emphasized. “We’ve always believed in the power of community and the generosity of individuals who want to make a difference. This belief has been the driving force behind our ability to reach over 1.6 million communities, empowering countless individuals along the way.”

FEF’s impact extends across various sectors, including education, healthcare, and financial literacy. Their initiatives have provided scholarships to underprivileged students, healthcare services to underserved areas, and financial education to empower individuals to break the cycle of poverty.
One of the foundation’s remarkable achievements is its ability to inspire a network of volunteers and supporters who share its vision. These individuals have played a crucial role in amplifying the foundation’s reach, ensuring that their mission continues to touch more lives.

As Mr. Frugal looks to the future, he remains steadfast in his commitment to empowering communities, regardless of financial constraints. He urged, “Our journey is far from over. With the continued support of our dedicated team and the generosity of our supporters, we hope to reach even more communities and make a lasting impact on the lives of countless individuals.”

The story of the Frugal Empowerment Foundation is a testament to the profound impact that can be achieved through determination, community support, and a relentless dedication to improving the lives of others. As they continue their journey, their accomplishments serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration for organizations and individuals striving to make a positive difference in the world.

Frugal Campaigns to Elevate Less Privileged Street Food Hawkers in FCT & Lagos

The Frugal Foundation recently launched a compelling campaign to uplift up to 100 street food hawkers in the bustling cities of Abuja and Lagos. Mr. Frugal the Founder of the foundation having flagged off the campaign during his visit in May this year is now extending an invitation to all those with benevolent hearts to join hands and sow a seed of compassion and support.

Recognizing the hardships faced by street food hawkers, who often work tirelessly to provide sustenance for themselves and their families, the Frugal Foundation’s campaign seeks to provide them with the necessary resources and opportunities to enhance their lives and break free from the cycle of poverty.
The campaign, aptly titled “SBE,” has already is gaining significant attention and support from individuals and businesses alike. The foundation believes that by uplifting these hardworking individuals, not only are they providing immediate relief, but they are also contributing to the broader goal of fostering self-sufficiency and empowerment within local communities.

Abuja and Lagos, as bustling metropolises, are home to many street food hawkers who contribute to the vibrant culinary culture of the regions. However, they often face challenges such as lack of access to proper facilities, financial instability, and limited educational opportunities. The Frugal Foundation’s campaign seeks to address these issues and make a lasting impact on the lives of these individuals.
The call for benevolent hearts to join this initiative comes at a time when acts of kindness and social responsibility are needed more than ever. With the support of donors and sponsors, the Frugal Foundation aims to create a network of sustainable change that uplifts the less privileged, enabling them to realize their full potential and contribute positively to society.

For those looking to make a meaningful impact and sow a seed of hope in someone’s life, the Frugal Foundation’s campaign provides an opportunity to do just that. By coming together, individuals can be a part of a transformative journey that uplifts not only the lives of street food hawkers but also the spirit of compassion and unity within the communities of Abuja and Lagos.

FEF July/August Newsletter Headlines

GYMPA: Frugal Engender’s Love, Inspirations

The Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF) has continued to make waves in their mission to uplift those in need and inspire young talented people across communities.
The recent Greenwich Youth Music Presentation and Award Ceremony (GYMPAC) is one among the numerous initiative the Frugal Foundation has employed to impact individuals, youths and families, especially those from the less privileged.

The strides of the foundation is a full portrait of the Founder, Mr. Peter Osezua now christened Mr. Frugal. A whom the even the Mayor of the Greenwich, Dominic Mbang testified of his heart of selflessness.
Speaking at the GYMPAC event on July 1, the Mayor Of Greenwich, Councillor Dominic Mbang, echoed the impacts the FEF organisation has made through Mr. Furgal, especially in the lives of young people in Greenwich, by his engaging with them after school hours through music activities.

As a way to encourage the stride of the Frugal Music Academy, the Mayor pledged his full support to the FEF charity’s mission.
The Mayor was fully involved at the July 1 event as he presented awards to FEF members, volunteers and appreciated their efforts for helping to push the vision of the foundation to the limelight.
We are certain that our success story and the joys that are evidence in the faces of our beneficiaries will encourage more loves and inspire even you and others to contribute to this foundation and be part of our humanitarian impact.

Mid-2023: FEF Celebrates Successes

In a recent press conference, the Frugal Empowerment Foundation, a renowned nonprofit organization, highlighted its achievements and successes in providing humanitarian services during the first half of 2023. The foundation, known for its dedication to improving the lives of underserved communities, reported a series of impactful initiatives that have made a significant difference in various aspects of society.
One of the notable achievements mentioned by the Frugal Empowerment Foundation was the successful implementation of over five “Caring Saturdays.” These events brought together volunteers and local communities to engage in activities aimed at uplifting disadvantaged individuals and communities. From providing food and clothing to organizing educational workshops, the Caring Saturdays served as a platform for fostering solidarity and support within the communities.

In addition to the Caring Saturdays, the foundation also organized three “Elderly Care Caring Saturdays.” These special events focused on addressing the unique needs of senior citizens, recognizing their contributions, and ensuring their well-being. Volunteers from the foundation offered companionship, assistance with household chores, and organized recreational activities to enhance the quality of life for the elderly.
The Frugal Empowerment Foundation’s commitment to empowering vulnerable populations extended beyond these specific events. The organization also launched several initiatives that focused on education, healthcare, and skill development. They established scholarship programs, conducted medical camps, and provided vocational training opportunities to marginalized individuals, enabling them to pursue a better future.
During the press conference, Mr. Michael Dawson, the president of the Frugal Empowerment Foundation, expressed his gratitude to the dedicated volunteers and generous donors who made these accomplishments possible. He emphasized the importance of collective efforts in creating a positive impact and encouraged more individuals and organizations to join hands with the foundation in their noble endeavors.

Looking ahead, the Frugal Empowerment Foundation aims to expand its outreach and continue its impactful work in the second half of 2023. With a strong focus on human dignity and empowerment, the foundation remains steadfast in its commitment to making a lasting difference in the lives of those in need.

As the Frugal Empowerment Foundation recounts its successes in humanitarian services, it serves as a beacon of hope, inspiring others to contribute to the betterment of society and reinforcing the belief that even small acts of kindness can bring about significant change.

Frugal Returns from Humanitarian Mission

In a heartwarming turn of events, renowned musician and philanthropist, Mr. Frugal, returned from a successful humanitarian mission, where he inspired hope and change in remote communities in Nigeria. Mr. Frugal, known for his melodious compositions and commitment to making a positive impact, embarked on a mission to provide essential resources and trade support for street hawkers in underserved community. He shared his experiences and outlined his future endeavors with the Frugal Music Academic UK (FMA-UK), dedicated to nurturing young musical talent.

During his humanitarian mission, Mr. Frugal worked tirelessly alongside local volunteers to establish a sustainable clean water source, construct a community center, and provide access to basic healthcare and education for the village residents. His compassionate efforts not only improved the villagers’ quality of life but also left an indelible mark on their hearts. As he recounted his experiences at the FMA-UK, Mr. Frugal’s eyes lit up with a fervent desire to channel the transformative power of music into further humanitarian initiatives.

Back in the UK, Mr. Frugal’s presence at the Frugal Music Academic UK was met with excitement and admiration. The academy, renowned for producing some of the world’s finest musicians, was abuzz with anticipation as he shared his recent experiences and unveiled his plans to integrate music education with his philanthropic work. He emphasized the potential for music to bridge cultural divides, foster empathy, and empower communities in need, igniting a sense of purpose and unity among both students and faculty.

Mr. Frugal’s return not only highlighted his commitment to making a difference but also showcased the profound influence music can have on society. As he continues to intertwine his musical prowess with his humanitarian endeavors, his journey serves as a poignant reminder that art and compassion can harmonize to create a brighter, more harmonious world for all. With his ongoing efforts and the support of the Frugal Music Academic UK, Mr. Frugal’s legacy promises to resonate far beyond the realms of melodies and into the hearts of those he strives to uplift.

Nothing Pass God Campiagn:

Frugal Moves to Save girl found near a gutter with her little baby begging

In the heart of the bustling city, where towering skyscrapers reached for the sky, a poignant scene unfolded unnoticed by the hurried masses. A small girl, not older than nineteen, sat hunched near a grimy gutter, cradling a fragile bundle in her arms – a tiny, sleeping baby. Her eyes, once filled with innocence, now held a weary gaze that seemed beyond her years. She was a forgotten soul, relegated to begging on the streets, lost in the shadows of a society consumed by its own desires.
As fate would have it, the girl’s desperate situation caught the attention of our foundation Mr. Frugal the Funder of the Frugal Empowerment Foundation who was on a mission to transform lives through innovative and resourceful means. As he gazed at the young mother and her infant, a fire ignited within. This was not merely a chance encounter; it was a call to action. Determined to bring about change, frugal embarked on a journey and launch a transformative campaign focused on the plight of young the mother and others like he.

The campaign, aptly named “Nothing Pass God,” is touching the hearts of passionate givers. our empowering messages to draw attention to the struggles faced by this young and other mothers trapped in cycles of poverty. The campaign is not just about raising funds; it was about instilling hope, igniting compassion, and challenging societal norms. Our appeal is to individuals from all walks of life, from corporate leaders to everyday citizens, to come together and offer support to these young mothers, giving them a chance to reclaim their dignity and dreams.
Join Mr. Frugal in this campaign by donating to support nothing pass God
If you are tounched by this campaign and you wish to donate via bank account, please do so by using the details: Bank name: Union Bank, account name: Frugal Empowerment Foundation, Account No. 0076069968, Ref: nothingpassGod.

Love has no boarders. Mr. Frugal said

Frugal is known for his philanthropic endeavors. With a heart as big as his ideas, he founded the Frugal Empowerment Foundation, a beacon of hope for those in need. Frugal believed that love have no borders, that it transcended boundaries of nationality, ethnicity, and social status. His mission is to create a world where every individual, regardless of their circumstances, could experience the warmth of love and the opportunity to thrive. “We are all bound by the threads of humanity, woven together by the tapestry of love. It is a force that knows no limits, no borders. The Frugal Empowerment Foundation seeks to empower lives, to bridge the gaps that divide us and remind us that we are united by our common humanity.”

indeed, love had no borders. With each contribution, the Frugal Empowerment Foundation will grow stronger, reaching across geographical boundaries to touch lives and uplift communities far and wide. And in the heart of it all, Frugal stood as a testament to the power of love and the boundless possibilities it held.

FEF SBE- Raising Hopes For Hard Work

The Frugal Empowerment Foundation’s Small Business Empowerment (FEF SBE) program is making significant strides in supporting hardworking individuals and promoting the dignity of labor. With a strong focus on identifying and assisting small businesses, the FEF SBE aims to empower entrepreneurs and uplift their communities.
The FEF SBE program recognizes the importance of hard work and the valuable contributions that small businesses make to local economies. By providing resources, mentorship, and financial support, the foundation is on a mission to help individuals turn their business ideas into reality, fostering a culture of entrepreneurship and self-reliance.

One of the key principles of the FEF SBE program is to encourage diligence and honor the dignity of labor. By acknowledging the efforts and dedication of small business owners, the foundation aims to inspire others to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams and instill a sense of pride in their work.
The FEF SBE program offers a wide range of support services to budding entrepreneurs especially the helpless street hawkers who cannot afford a shop rent. FEF SBE opens access to training programs, business development resources, networking opportunities, and financial assistance. By equipping Small Business Enterprise with the necessary tools and knowledge, the foundation sets them on a path towards sustainable growth and success.

The Frugal Small Business Empowerment, FEF SBE, we identify hard work and support diligence and dignity of labour. Support FEF SBE Today

In order to continue these impactful work, the Frugal Empowerment Foundation’s Small Business Empowerment program relies on the support of individuals and organizations. You can contribute to their cause by donating to the FEF SBE today. Your generosity will enable the foundation to reach more aspiring entrepreneurs and help them build thriving businesses, thus uplifting communities and creating a brighter future for all.

To support the FEF SBE program and make a difference in the lives of hard working individuals, visit their website at and explore the various ways you can contribute.

Join the Frugal Empowerment Foundation’s Small Business Empowerment initiative today and help empower entrepreneurs, celebrate diligence, and uphold the dignity of labor. Together, we can foster economic growth and create opportunities for all.

Our determination to support the less privileged community grows daily

The Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF), unwavering commitment to the cause of empowering underprivileged individuals is solid. The significant progress achieved in our mission to create positive social change speaks volume.

FEF, has been instrumental in making tangible differences in the lives of countless vulnerable individuals facing economic and social challenges. We have consistently demonstrated our dedication to fostering self-reliance and resilience among the less fortunate.

The recent progress achieved by FEF is a testament to the relentless efforts of our volunteers, donors, and partners. “We are incredibly proud of what we have accomplished so far, but we recognize that there is still much work to be done. Our determination to uplift the less privileged community grows stronger with each passing day, we were doubted for our vision to impart Talented youths, but your supports and our deeds has proven otherwise” Mr. Frugal pointed.

As FEF continues to forge ahead on its mission, it aims to expand its reach, forge new partnerships, and implement innovative solutions to address the evolving needs of the less privileged.

Supporting small businesses in Nigeria our major priority

With unwavering dedication, this remarkable foundation has made supporting small businesses its paramount mission. Like nurturing seeds in fertile soil, the Foundation works tirelessly to cultivate the growth of local entrepreneurs, breathing life into dreams that might have otherwise remained dormant. In a country where small businesses form the backbone of the economy, the Foundation’s commitment becomes a vital force, igniting a chain reaction of prosperity and change.

Amidst the myriad challenges that often befall small enterprises, the Frugal Empowerment Foundation emerges as a steadfast ally. Through a combination of mentorship, training, and financial assistance, they empower these businesses to overcome obstacles and flourish. With a keen understanding of the unique hurdles faced by Nigerian entrepreneurs, the Foundation’s initiatives provide not only tangible resources but also a renewed sense of confidence. From bustling market stalls to quaint artisan shops, the impact of their efforts ripples through communities, invigorating both livelihoods and spirits.
Mr. Frugal will be asking for more of your assistance on this project soon.

Frugal Anticipates More Impact, Support and Donations

Frugal Empowerment Foundation, a renowned non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of underprivileged communities, is gearing up for an exciting second half of 2023. The foundation has made significant strides in empowering marginalized individuals and communities throughout the year, and now looks forward to expanding its reach and making an even greater impact.

Over the past six months, the Frugal Empowerment Foundation has implemented numerous projects focused on education, healthcare, skill development, and economic empowerment. Their initiatives have benefited thousands of individuals across the region, providing them with the necessary tools and support to create a better future for themselves and their families.

Looking ahead, the foundation has ambitious plans to launch new programs and scale up existing ones to maximize their impact. One of their key objectives is to establish additional learning centers in underserved areas, ensuring access to quality education for children who would otherwise be deprived of this fundamental right. These centers will not only provide academic support but also offer vocational training to equip students with practical skills that can improve their future prospects.

Moreover, the Frugal Empowerment Foundation aims to enhance their healthcare initiatives by setting up mobile clinics to reach remote communities with limited medical facilities. By providing free medical check-ups, vaccinations, and essential healthcare services, the foundation aims to improve the overall well-being of vulnerable populations and reduce the burden of preventable diseases.

To achieve these ambitious goals, the Frugal Empowerment Foundation is appealing to individuals, corporations, and philanthropic organizations to extend their support. They emphasize that every contribution, no matter how small, can make a significant difference in transforming lives and communities.

In a recent statement, the foundation’s director, Ms. Sarah Rodriguez, expressed her gratitude for the ongoing support they have received but emphasized the need for sustained assistance. “While we have achieved a lot in the past months, there is still much work to be done. We urge everyone who shares our vision of a more equitable society to join hands with us in this noble cause. Your support can help us empower more individuals, transform more lives, and create lasting change,” she said.

The Frugal Empowerment Foundation has made it convenient for supporters to donate by offering various online platforms, including their website and social media channels. They also encourage interested individuals to volunteer their time and expertise to contribute to the foundation’s programs.

As the second half of 2023 unfolds, the Frugal Empowerment Foundation remains committed to its mission of empowering the underprivileged and building a brighter future for all. With increased support and donations, they are optimistic about making a substantial and lasting impact on the lives of countless individuals and communities in need.

We Stand Tall Because You Stood With Us

In a heartfelt gesture of gratitude, the Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF) has expressed its deep appreciation for the invaluable contributions made by volunteers and donors to its various projects. Especially at the Greenwich youths Music presentation and Award ceremony. Acknowledging their unwavering support, Mr. Frugal highlighted the immense impact these individuals have had on empowering communities and changing lives for the better.

With a sense of humility and admiration, FEF’s Founder and CEO, Mr Frugal, spoke about the instrumental role played by these individuals in shaping the organization’s journey. “We stand tall because you stood with us,” Mr Frugal said, in a voice filled with gratitude. “The commitment and dedication of our volunteers and the generous contributions of our donors have been the pillars of our success.”

Frugal Foundation Campaigns to Elevate Less Privileged Street Food Hawkers in Abuja and Lagos

The Frugal Empowerment Foundation has launched a compelling campaign to uplift up to 100 street food hawkers in the bustling cities of Abuja and Lagos. The foundation is extending an invitation to all those with benevolent hearts to join hands and sow a seed of compassion and support.

Recognizing the hardships faced by street food hawkers, who often work tirelessly to provide sustenance for themselves and their families, the Frugal Foundation’s campaign seeks to provide them with the necessary resources and opportunities to enhance their lives and break free from the cycle of poverty.
The campaign, aptly titled “SBE,” has already garnered significant attention and support. The foundation believes that by uplifting these hardworking individuals, not only are they providing immediate relief, but they are also contributing to the broader goal of fostering self-sufficiency and empowerment within local communities.

Abuja and Lagos, as bustling metropolises, are home to many street food hawkers who contribute to the vibrant culinary culture of the regions. However, they often face challenges such as lack of access to proper facilities, financial instability, and limited educational opportunities. The Frugal Foundation’s campaign seeks to address these issues and make a lasting impact on the lives of these individuals.
The call for benevolent hearts to join this initiative comes at a time when acts of kindness and social responsibility are needed more than ever. With the support of donors and sponsors, the Frugal Foundation aims to create a network of sustainable change that uplifts the less privileged, enabling them to realize their full potential and contribute positively to society.
For those looking to make a meaningful impact and sow a seed of hope in someone’s life, the Frugal Foundation’s campaign provides an opportunity to do just that.

FEF June Newsletter Headlines

FEF May Newsletter Headlines

Frugal’s Life-saving Journey

The Frugal Empowerment Foundation is committed to empowering vulnerable communities through various interventions such as charity, love and support in the area of healthcare, talent development and skills acquisition. The foundation has impacted countless lives through its programs and initiatives, and the impacts are enormous .

Through its various initiatives, the Frugal Empowerment Foundation has been able to reach out to some of the most vulnerable persons in the world, especial in Nigeria, London, and Greece, providing them with essential love and support that they need to thrive. From providing free medical services to vulnerable and underprivileged individuals to equipping young people with vocational skills that can help them earn a living, the foundation is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of those who need it the most.

The impacts of the Frugal Empowerment Foundation’s work are already visible in the communities it serves. Children who were once unable to attend school due to financial constraints are now receiving an education thanks to the foundation’s scholarship programs. Young people who were once jobless and struggling to make ends meet are now able to earn a living and support themselves and their families through the vocational skills training provided by the foundation. And individuals who were once suffering from various health conditions are now receiving life-saving medical attention and treatment.
If you’re looking to make a positive difference in the world and help empower vulnerable communities, then you too can be part of this success story. By joining the Frugal Empowerment Foundation on its life-saving journey, you can help bring hope and positive change to those who need it the most. Whether you choose to donate your time, skills, or financial resources, your contributions will make a tangible difference in the lives of countless individuals and families around the world. Together, we can create a better future for everyone.

Thank You for Supporting our Project Since 2017

Frugal Empowerment Foundation has yet again achieved another historic success with their ongoing initiative, Caring Saturday’s events. This project is aimed at catering for hospital patients and making their stay in the hospital more comfortable and enjoyable.

Since its inception in 2017, the project has received tremendous support from few individuals and organizations who recognize the importance of providing compassionate care to those who need it the most. The foundation has been able to sustain the project due to the continued support of few donors and private funding from the Founder, Mr. Peter Osezua and the trustees who believe in the cause and have been instrumental in helping the humanity.

The Caring Saturday’s event is a monthly occurrence where volunteers from the foundation visit different IDPs camps, Elderly Care Homes as well as hospitals to provide basic necessities such as food, clothing and other relief materials.
The progress of the project has been exceptional, with more person’s and communities being added to the list of beneficiaries.

Frugal’s Focus is Humanitarian for the Hapless

Our vision is meeting the needs of the vulnerable in communities. This is because your collective effort of supports has made this a huge success. At the heart of any successful organization or business is a commitment to meeting the needs of its community. This is because the support and engagement of the everyone of us is essential for growth, sustainability, and impact. At every step of the way, it is important to keep in mind that the ultimate goal is to serve the community and its members, and to prioritize their needs and preferences.
Our vision as an organization is centered around love, care and support for the vulnerable and the needy in our community. We recognize that without the collective effort and support of our members, we would not be where we are today. Our success is built on the relationships we have formed with our members, and the trust they have placed in us to provide the needed resources they need to touch the lives of the vulnerable and hapless people around us.
Whether it is through our charity, skill acquisition or talent development programs, services, events, or outreach efforts, we are always striving to better understand and respond to the needs of the less privileged and vulnerable anywhere on globe. We recognize that every individual has unique challenges and goals, and we are committed to providing tailored solutions that meet those needs.
As we look to the future, we remain dedicated to our vision of love, care and support for the hapless. We will continue to listen to their feedback, engage in open communication, and work collaboratively to ensure that our interventions are aligned with their needs and priorities.
Ultimately, their happiness and comfort is a reflection of the success of our intervention. We are grateful for the trust they have placed in us, and we are committed to continuing to build a strong and vibrant community that are self dependent and sustainable.

Please Stay Tune for More of Mr. Frugal

Mr. Frugal

In recent news, fans and followers of Mr. Frugal, the humanitarian, can look forward to more of his latest activities especially on his charity and humanitarian service plus the spice of his entertainment and artistic prowess in the world of entertainment . With a growing online presence and a loyal following, Mr. Frugal has been inspiring people worldwide to be part of humanitarian works and volunteering for peoples impacting activities.
Mr. Frugal’s latest activities have been kept under wraps, but FEF media can confirmed that he has been working on several exciting new projects that are sure to captivate his audience. Mr. Frugal is dedicated to providing valuable insights and tips on many things from leadership to charity.
“I am thrilled to announce that many hard at work has gone into some fantastic new projects,” Mr. Frugal founder of the Frugal Empowerment Foundation and CEO of the Frugal Businesses said. “He’s always looking for ways to help people come out of poverty, build wealth, and live in harmony with each other and have the best life possible. So stay tuned, because there’s a lot more in store!”

As Mr. Frugal’s popularity continues to grow, his fans can expect even more valuable content and insightful advice.
So, keep an eye out for more updates on Mr. Frugal’s latest activities.

Easter Caring Saturday’s; Hospital Outreach Huge Success

Frugal Empowerment Foundation is set for women empowerment in Borno state Nigeria. This is sequel to the Mama Maggi project initiative skills which started in 202Frugal Empowerment Foundation, has once again demonstrated its commitment to improving the lives of those in need with another successful event. The organization held its Caring Saturday’s event at Bishop Murray’s Hospital in Makurdi, Benue State, over the Easter weekend, where patients at the hospital were catered to.

The event, which was organized in collaboration with the hospital’s management, saw Frugal Empowerment Foundation’s team of volunteers provide food and other essential items to the patients. The patients, many of whom are from low-income backgrounds, were delighted to receive the donations and expressed their gratitude to the organization for its efforts.

Speaking about the event, the Benue State Manager of Frugal Empowerment Foundation, Eunice Ekpanor, said that the organization was committed to helping those in need, particularly in the areas of healthcare, education, and empowerment. She added that the Caring Saturday’s events were part of the organization’s ongoing efforts to give back to society and make a positive impact on people’s lives.

“We know that many of these patients come from low-income backgrounds and may not have access to basic necessities. We hope that our donations will help to alleviate some of their suffering and bring a little bit of joy into their lives.” she said

Frugal Empowerment Foundation has track records of success in its various initiatives. The organization looks forward to accessing grants and donation as well as recognition by the government and other stakeholders for its work.

The Caring Saturday’s event at Bishop Murray’s Hospital is just one example of the impact that Frugal Empowerment Foundation is making on people’s lives. With its continued commitment to improving the lives of those in need, the organization is sure to achieve even greater success in the future.2. Official reports from FEF management reveals that plans has been concluded by the stakeholders to further empower the beneficiaries of the women skill acquisition programme with the business seed funding. More information to come in the coming months.

Frugal Unique Media Uniform Revealed

Mr. Frugal, has revealed his unique media uniform. Mr. Peter Osezua, officially known as Frugal, noted that he chose this uniform to emphasize his frugal lifestyle and maintain a uniform public appearance going forward. He also believes that this simple and practical uniform helps him to focus on his work without being distracted by fashion.
The reveal of Mr. Frugal’s media uniform will garner significant attention on social media in the coming days, with many praising his commitment to charity and humanitarian works as well as his entertainment interest. Some have even suggested that his uniform could become a trend among media personalities and influencers looking to promote sustainable fashion.

Plateau FEF: 200 Widows Empowered Through Skill Projects

Frugal Empowerment Foundation, has empowered 200 widows in Plateau State, Nigeria through skill acquisition projects. The skill project in Plateau aim is to alleviate poverty and provide sustainable income sources for widows in the region.

The skill acquisition projects covered various fields such as disinfectant, soap making amongst others. The widows underwent training and the foundation is soliciting for more support in order to provide all of them with the necessary equipment and materials for adequate empowerment.

Speaking on the initiative, the Founder of the Frugal Empowerment Foundation, Mr. Peter Osezua AKA Frugal, noted that the project was aimed at empowering widows who are often neglected in society. He also expressed her delight in seeing the widows become self-reliant and economically independent.

The beneficiaries of the project expressed their gratitude to the foundation for the opportunity to acquire skills that would enable them to support their families. They also urged other organizations and individuals to emulate Frugal Empowerment Foundation’s gesture and support widows in their communities.

Overall, the initiative by Frugal Empowerment Foundation is a significant step towards reducing poverty and promoting economic empowerment among widows in Plateau State.

Mama Maggi Project: Frugal to Commission end of May

In a bid to advance the empowerment of women in Borno State, Mr. Frugal, the founder of the Frugal Empowerment Foundation, has announced plans of commissioning the Mama Maggi project by the end of May.
The project which is focused on equipping the hapless women in Borno state with knowledge on seasoning making is now to focus on empowering them with the where withal to set small scale production enterprise so they can fed for themselves.

According to Mr. Frugal, the project commissioning aims to further create a sustainable platform for beneficiaries of the Mama Maggi project set-up small scale business. He believes that by providing the necessary infrastructure and support, these women can improve their livelihoods and contribute to the economic development of their community.

“I am delighted with this project in Borno state,” said Mr. Frugal. “Mama Maggi project is one of our women empowerment initiatives, and they deserve to have access to the resources and opportunities that will enable them to grow and thrive.”

2022 Jos Dance Contest: Boy gets Frugal Scholarship

Frugal Empowerment Foundation through her sister organization, Frugal Entertainment Dancer is set to work with the little boy who won the frugal dancing competition awards in November 2022 during the three hundred thousand (300K) crisis victims impact caring Saturday in plateau state Nigeria.

According Mr. Frugal the the boy will be enjoying many benefits including support for his educational pursuit as he develops into a young celebrity dancer.

300k Crisis Victim Project 2022 Impact Video, Out

Doing the right things that have the potential of bringing out the best in people and taking them to the next level is a profitable and fulfilling effort. As frugal’s visit to Nigeria last year November empowered over 200 widows through the skill acquisition programme in an initiative focused on affecting 300 thousand crises victims last year.

Aside from the empowerment program, Frugal was able to impact through charity on the lives of the vulnerable people. The videoes of the the project and the skill acquisition powered by Frugal is now out.

Leadership: Frugal to Reach Out to education sector

All is set this April for Mr. Frugal to reach out to the educational sector on leadership in Nigeria. According to Frugal (Mr. Peter Osezua) Founder of the Frugal Empowerment educating young people about leadership is key to national development and growth.

There has been a growing need to ensure that the youths in Nigeria understand the concept of leadership. The significance of leadership and the agitation for good leader in the Nigerian context is one that has attracted global attention. This has inspired the humanitarian and lover of entertainment, Frugal, to in recent times embark on some series in a bid to help the people take responsibility for the kind of leaders the deserve.

On his scheduled visit in the coming days, Frugal will be hosting leadership programs in some universities as well as secondary schools in Nigeria.

“The focus will be to educate them on leadership and how it would be achieved.” he told FEF media in a telephone chat.

Plateau Women Empowerment Video Out

Frugal Empowerment Foundation in the late last year had a program which focused on empowering widows with skills to enable them earn a living for themselves and sustain their families.

The video of the project which empowered 200 widows with various skills in liquid soap, disinfectants and petroleum jelly production is now available on the Frugal Empowerment Foundation YouTube channel.

Mama Maggi Project: Frugal Set to Empower Women in Borno

Frugal Empowerment Foundation is set for women empowerment in Borno state Nigeria. This is sequel to the Mama Maggi project initiative skills which started in 2022. Official reports from FEF management reveals that plans has been concluded by the stakeholders to further empower the beneficiaries of the women skill acquisition programme with the business seed funding. More information to come in the coming months.

APRIL: Plateau, Benue, Edo Set For Impact

Frugal Empowerment Foundation Benue Chapter is set to hold the promoted Caring Saturday’s 8th of April 2023 which is specifically targeting patient at some of the hospitals in the state. The charity hospital outreach is targeted at giving support to patients who are in the hospitals and are evidently in need of resources to carter for their bills and other material needs.

FMA: Batch A Set for 1st Official Music Production

The batch A of the Frugal Music Academy (FMA) UK is set for their first official music production in the coming days of the second quarter. According information coming from the Academy in Woolwich London the pioneer batch of the academy is preparing there maiden musical production to showcase the various musical skills they have learnt from the Academy.

Recall that the Frugal Music Academy commenced training at the centre in December 2022 after about a three months long preparation and orientation on the need the academy has come to address within the Woolwich community.

FEF media also reported in the last edition of our monthly Newsletter of the recommendation from the Woolwich community head and the interest from professionals to render their services in the academy to groom the young talents.
Consequently, the FMA is on track for a recording breaking achievement and is open for more entriess as well as supports from well meaning individuals and organization to expand the reach for others.
Mr. Frugal the founder and coordinator of the FMA has expressed gratitude to the host community for collaborating the Frugal Empowerment Foundation. “Thank you community, for joining us to support young talents (FEF)”

Thanks Great Ladies, Women: Frugal Lauds

The Frugal Empowerment Foundation in commemoration of the International Day for Women, March 8 2023, recognised the women who have played key roles in seeing to the success of the FEF programmes.
These are women who in no small measure have been instrumental in galvanizing and mobilizing materials and coordinating the effective distribution of relief materials, caring and supporting the vulnerable communities since inception of the Frugal Empowerment Foundation.


The Frugal annual recognition award designed to appreciate people who have been supporting FEF projects, will official kick off between May and June this year (2023).
It has become a tradition for the Frugal Empowerment Foundation to recognize donors and sponsors, Corporate or individual who had supported and has continued to support the various projects of the FEF with the year in review as well as members and managers who stood out in their various tasks for the foundation.
This year’s edition promises to be more exciting than the previous year.

FEF April Newsletter Headlines

FEF March Newsletter Headlines

Caring Saturday’s: FEF Edo Prepares to Touch Lives

The Edo State chapter of the Frugal Empowerment Foundation is warming up for a huge humanitarian and charity event in the coming days. According to the State manger, they are working toward having huge donations and relief materials for the IDP’s and vulnerable persons living in Edo State Nigeria.

The move is coming as the current economic realities in the country continues to have heavy impact on the masses regardless of status.

FEF media can say they the event which is scheduled to happen before April 2023 is currently at the mobilization stage.

Frugal wish you love

We at Frugal Empowerment Foundation are always happy to know you are there following up with our events and activities. We are also working on how we can reward your loyalty as we progress in the year. Follow our handles, comment on all our posts and videos to be benefit from our loyalty promos in 2023.

Frugal official profile Loading…

Mr. Frugal’s (Peter Osezua) official profile will be published in the coming days with the first quarter of 2023. FEF media is currently putting together an official profile of the personality, profession and achievements of Mr. Peter Osezua now officially called Frugal.

The profile is coming because of the various investments and humanitarian activities he, Frugal is involved with and giving the global impact the Frugal Empowerment Foundation has continued to make.
Stay tuned as we can assure you that it will be an interesting read.

300k Crisis Victim Lives Impact: Frugal Tours Nigeria

The Founder the Frugal Empowerment Foundation and CEO of the Frugal Entertainment Music label, Mr. Peter Osezua now officially known as Mr. Frugal was on ground as the Frugal Foundation mobilized the resources donated by good willed people and the finances from Mr. Frugal towards impacting on the lives of the 300,000 crisis victim women and children in some state in Nigeria.

The series of events which was championed under the Caring Saturday’s (a signature programme of the foundation) took place in Jos, Plateau, Borno State, Benue and Ebonyi states respectively. Frugal in his style was present to identify with these crisis victims, women and children especially.


300K Crisis Victim Project: Frugal Participate Fully

The campaign to impact the lives of 300, 000 crisis victims in Nigeria was a huge success as Frugal himself participated in the various events. From the video shoot of the artists under the Frugal music label to the Caring Saturdays at the various IDPs Camps in Borno, Plateau, Benue and Ebonyi, Frugal identified with the vulnerable children and women as well as presented various relief materials to make life easy for them.

The project which saw many lives being impacted and encouraged by the kind and charitable gesture of the Frugal Empowerment Foundation was greatly lauded by the beneficiaries and heads of the various locations.


Impact: We should be Celebrating 1.5 million…Frugal

As the project of impacting 300,000 crisis victims climaxes this December, Frugal has hinted that the Foundation would be celebrating reaching out to a total cumulative sum of 1.5 million person since the inception of Frugal Empowerment Foundation. Speaking on the success of the program Frugal, he said “So far we almost hit the target by the grace of God, by the end of December 2022 we should be celebrating 1.5 million life impact as long as Frugal Foundation is concern.

On our entertainment project we have Artists like Hilda Muna and Loso currently on the spot light, Their music projects is attracting some companies, entertainment industries as well those who want to take advantage of the opportunities, as this young artists begin to climb and move their works to the next level.

Benue IDP Gets Free Medical/Dental Care

As part of the campaign to impact the lives of 300,000 crisis victims in November/December 2022, Frugal Empowerment Foundation successfully carried out free medical care at Benue state on 26th November 2022.

The medical care saw the IDP’s having some medical personnel attend to their primary health needs as well as provision of some basic medical material support for the camp, Evidently the camp officials and people there were filled with happiness for then kind gesture from FEF.


Borno Wash Project in it 8th month


The Wash Project in Borno State, which have been happening for since May this year entered it 8th month on Thursday 1st December 6, 2022.

The project which is designed to educate women about sanitary and cleanliness within their communities also provided them with support materials like pads and others sanitary material to be able to maintain personal and community hygiene.


Caring Saturday’s Performance: Frugal Artist Thrill IDPs

As the FEF continued the campaign for the progress and advancement of the Caring Saturday’s, the signature initiative of the Frugal Empowerment Foundation, The November edition was indeed a great explosion of charity with entertainment as we had rising artists like; Hilda, Femty, Loso and Willy Blinz performing on the Frugal Caring Saturday’s in Jos and Benue that was held on the 17th and 25th of November 2022 respectively.

Frugal himself is spotted in his humility, identifying with the downtrodden, Providing them all the with various levels of empowerment and mentorship needed to help them scale through the challenges of live.


The beauty of a leader is seen in the
expressions that light up his followers
faces when he takes the stage to address
their needs and identify
with their challenges


GIRL CHILD PROJECT: Pad the Girl Child
Event Ebonyi Successful

The Pad the Girl Child Programme at Ebonyi State, designed to empower the Girl Child was very successful. The event which happened simultaneously with the Jos, Plateau Caring Saturday’s on the 19th of November was meant to empower young female, sanitizing them on being alert about their personal self, having self-confidence and the ability to observe themselves.

In deed the project was an eye opener to the girls in Egbeagu Izzi community. They expressed gratitude and looked forward to more programmes from the foundation.


Frugal Music Academy UK: Set to Commence Classes

As we welcome the month of December 2022 the Frugal Music in the UK. Is fully set for the first class of music student to be trained and mentored in the Music Academy. The kick off of the music session is billed for 10th of December 2022 and we still have two or three more spaces to accommodate entries.
The program is designed to ensure that playing after school is limited as the younger persons can now be engaged to learn and develop their musical skills at the Woolich Front Room, 105 Powis Street London SE18 6JB. Registration can be done online or you visit Frugal office at no 1c Woolwich New Road, Woolwich, SE18 6EX London, UK


Jos Project: Frugal Lauds Sponsors ad Donors

Following the success of the Jos project this year, Frugal Empowerment Foundation has express much gratitude to donors and sponsors.
Recall that this year 2022 recorded lots of events at the Pleateu State Frugal Chapter, The foundation got some couple of support and donations from individuals and organizations that was material to the success of the programs and projects. Although large portion of funds are contributed by the founder and the Board of Trustees, Mr. Frugal expressed gratitude and appreciated all the sponsors and donors who have been supporting the initiative to be able to empower others in the communities.

The Plateau Caring Saturday’s was a very huge success as community members testified to the benefits of the Frugal Foundation and the impacts in their lives.


Musical Video Shoot: Frugal Music Breaks Records

Frugal Music Label had a record breaking musical video shoot as the music production team led by Mr. Frugal himself shot up to 11 music video last month (November 2022).

The FEF media can say that there seem to be no record of such feat in the music industry in Nigeria.
“That is like we breaking the record. No record label as far as Nigeria is concerned has never been able to do that, but we have done it, that is another huge success and we have the Frugal Entertainment dancers take part in video production.


Frugal Discovers: Recruits Young Talents

The successes from the various Caring Saturday’s championed under the campaign to impact the lives of 300,000 crisis victim would not be complete without the stories of the young talents who were discovered and successfully recruited into the Frugal Entertainment Dance (FED) Crew.

FED is an arm of the Frugal Entertainment under the Frugal Music Label that seeks to create an avenue for young talents in the musical dance and entertainment industry to leverage on the Frugal platform to exhibit their potential.


Frugal Features Mama G, Abayomi in Videos

The Frugal Entertainment Project has recorded another great improvement and reached another milestone as she begins to attract greater participation and now featuring top celebrities across Nigeria.
This was evident in the November Music Video recording which saw top Nollywood actress likes of Patience Patience Uzokor and actor like Abayomi appearing in the Frugal Music video production last month.

Patience Uzokor the popular Mama G featured in Hilda’s, ‘All I Want Is You’ video. Also Abayomi featured in ‘Wayo’ video song track also by Hilda. Frugal himself was not left out as he also made some appearances in some scenes of the various musical videos shot in November featured.

Patience was also featured in ‘The Pray Song’ which had two versions, one was performed by LOSO independently and the other performed by Hilda independently. Both featured Mama G as a minister who had to pray for the artist who had struggled so much without success in the act of the songs. Her, Mama G’s prayer was material to their success as things turned around after she had prayed for the artist in the video respectively.

According to Frugal, Patient Ozokwor was chosen for the role because of her ministry sort of life. “…so we see her as someone who can be able to play the role of that character, …praying for the artist when things were not working, helping to know the way of God and praying God to give him more opportunities to do the right thing in life.” Frugal pointed

Frugal Entertainment Dancers (FED): 40 Recruited in Benue

The November events at the Frugal Benue Chapter saw a significant growth in the Frugal Empowerment Dance (FED) Team. The development means that Frugal currently employs 40 young people as a music dancers in Benue State.

This number rose with the instant recruiting of talents from the IDP camp in Daudu into the team. Frugal during the Caring Saturday at the IDP Camp identified and enrolled these talents into the FED as a way to empower them for an opportunity to perform at national and global level.

Recall that FEF had in August 2022 inaugurated and commissioned the Dance Team. This team took part in the music video shoot last month.


This November

Peter Osezua Realigns, Now ‘Frugal’

Mr Peter Osezua, is the CEO of Frugal Companies and Founder, Frugal Empowerment Foundation. He is an astute businessman with the heart of charity and a virtue of Frugality. Having successfully started and managed business from his days in the University back home in Nigeria, he went on to th United Kingdom and established many other businesses which is gradually becoming a conglomerate under the name ‘Frugal’. Mr. Peter has proven that the principle of hard work has no regards for colour, race, religion or even background, rather, Hard work and determination is always and anywhere rewarded with success.

As the brand ‘Frugal’ continues to make wave through the impact of the Foundation and the successes of the business arms, Mr. Peter began to be know as ‘Frugal’ as the initiator and driver of the both so branded with impact and recognition. No doubt, the need for a proper realignment and proper identification of him became important as he has continued to be the image of the foundation and driver of the corporate arm.

Sequel to this, Mr. Peter Osezua, is now officially called ‘Frugal’. this basically is to ensure easy identification as he plans to continue expand the frontiers of his humanitarian mission and leadership projects
Full profile on Mr. Frugal loading in the next newsletter

Save the Child Campaign: Frugal Hosts Fundraising solicits more support

In a bid to galvanize support for the SAVE THE CHILD campaign which is to anchor the Caring Saturday’s event for November/ December 2022, the Frugal Empowerment Foundation held a fundraising event on the 5th of November as it sort to raise more fund and meet up with the targeted £10,000 for the program.

The fundraising event was quite a success as it was able to add up to the £164 realized before November 5th.





Speaking with the FEF Media Mr. Peter Osezua now known as Frugal stated with gratitude that the fundraiser event of 5th Saturday was a huge success. He appreciated all those who participated in the online event and all those who have made donations to for the project. He however, called for more support and donations from others so as to meet up with the target for the events.


Borno Wash Project now in its 7th Month

Our community project in Borno` state Nigeria continued progressively in impacting the communities The Borno Wash Project which kicked off seven months ago has continued to educated and enlighten the host communities of the project in the past seven months on the importance of personal hygiene and how to maintain cleanliness and live a healthy life within the rural community.
The project so far has been with support from Hope 360


Frugal Set to Impact 300, 000 Crisis Children,
Calls for Support

All seem to be set for the Caring Saturday’s to impact the lives of 300,000 crisis children this November and December 2022. “The enthusiasm is mounting and we are set to touch lives” Mr. Frugal the founder told FEF media in a telephone conversation.

According to him, the project however still need more supports and donations to achieve the targeted goals of providing education support materials, food stuffs and other household items.

“Our target is to raise £10, 000 for this 300, 000 crisis victims but so far just about £324 has been realized both from the online and offline donations. We therefore appeal to all and sundry to join us to make this happen” He appealed.
The Caring Saturday’s Charity Initiative will hold in Borno, Jos, Benue and in the FCT.

Sept: Caring Saturday’s: Ashgreen House,Charlton Care Remarkable

The month of September will remain remarkable for the impact we made at the Elderly care homes with the Caring Saturday’s. The elder in these care homes experienced another excitement and a sense of belonging as the Frugal Empowerment Foundation entertained and thrilled them with music, comedy and other varieties of fun filled activities.


Frugal Empowerment Foundation partnered Orchids Empowerment Initiative for a Girl Child Outreach Program at the Unity Secondary School, Amechi IzhhiaOhaukwu LGA, Ebonyi State Nigeria on Tuesday 11th of October 2022.

The programme featured Talk session, Games and Talk Show as a Community Development Service (CDS) programme of Ms. Godslove a corp member serving in the state in commemoration of the International Day of the Girl Child.

Speaking to the FEF media Mr. Peter Osezua, said that the move was a great way to support corp members to be able to actualize their CDS during their service year and the Frugal Empowerment Foundation is open and willing to support such moves.

Frugal Music Academy launched: 1st class begins December

The Frugal Music Academy was officially launched on the 29th of October. The Academy which is designed to engage students/teenagers after school hours and give them an opportunity to explore and discover their musical talent is now set to commence classes.
According to the initiator of the project, Mr. Frugal, the 1st class begins on the 10th December 2022.” And registration is currently on going for interested parents and learners. “We have limited space available. So, early registration is to be considered first.” He pointed.


UK children has since continued to show enthusiasm to participate in Frugal Music Academy. The program which ensures that there will be no room for playing after school engaging them to learn and develop their musical skills at the Woolich Front Room, 105 Powis Street London SE18 6JB. Registration can be done online or you visit Frugal office at no 1c Woolwich New Road, Woolwich, SE18 6EX London, UK

Jos Plateau: Set for Impact

The Jos Plateau state chapter is not left out in the train of the November/December program as they are set to hold another their Caring Saturday’s on the 19th of November targeted at imparting on the lives of Widows and IDP’s. The program which is billed for November 19 will see the Frugal Empowerment Foundation launch out in her style with her bundle of charity to touch the lives of the women, and people in the Internally Displaced People’s (IDP) Camp



Frugal Artists go commercial performing live in states

It is no longer news that Frugal Music is advance the lives of the young artist who are indeed gifted in music. Having made revelation discoveries for them in the raw state, the Foundation has over the years continued to improve their performance and prepare the stage for them to rise to international recognition.
Hilda Muna, Femty Fatizo, and Willy Blinks have continued to rise with the support and mentoring from the foundation especially the personal input and impact made through the founder, Mr. Frugal himself.

We cannot also forget to mention the inspirational World Loso amongst many other who have continued to grow and rise to international olatforms for recognition. These artist are not fully commercial music artists as they are now performing in the different states, making appereances and putting on a star performance at various top clubs such as Vulcano Club, Godfather Club etc. Their presence has been remarkable in the FCT, at Jos, Makurdi, Edo, Lagos and the rest.

It is worthy of mention that these artists are now available for hire to perform at any event in any part of the globe with their amazing talent and message filled lyrics.

Upgraded Edo State Studio Ready for Launch

Edo State Frugal Music Studio is now fully upgraded to a top-notch music facilities. This is as the foundation is now set to launch fully into more professional music video production. The Studio which situated at Ekpoma in Edo State Nigeria set for official launching this yuletide and is ready for contracting and engagement for the purpose.

The development is also to provide a professional base for young artist to be able to develop and grow themselves in the trade of music making and to be able to bring out musical videos that can compete Favourably in the music market.

Musica lVideo shoot: Frugal Music partner top celebrities


All is set for most of the top Frugal artist to feature top celebrities in their musical videos as Frugal Music seeks to promote the artists through classical video performance featuring top actors and celebrities in the movie industry.

FEF media can authoritatively report that in the coming days, the likes of Patience Ozokwor (Mama G) and Abayomi Alvin. The duo Nolly wood artist is expected to grace the video production of Frugal Musical video promotion video shoots in the later days of November and early December 2022.

According to Frugal, the development is design to help the top artists under the Frugal Music Label to rise.


Frugal Entertainment Unveils Dance Entertainment Department


Frugal Entertainment now have the dance entertainment department, this was launched in October. The dancers’ recruitment process was successful and the department is now finally functional to train dancers as well as provide dancers for hire for any musical video production or performance.
The various dance steps from the frugal dance entertainment department will be unveiled in the coming days of the month.

The Frugal Dancers are open for local and international engagement. You can take advantage of this, Links for booking for the frugal entertainment dancers are available on the various Frugal websites

This August: FEF Headlines

This July

Images from UK-Elderly Caring Saturday’s

It was another impactful experience at the Sanctuary Home, Ashgreen, Woolwich UK as Frugal held another Caring Saturday’s, a special outreach to the elderly.

Indeed life is such a phase and we have to learn to live it with humanity at heart. Time-out with the elderly under the Frugal Elderly Care has always being so touching and a lifelong lesson that makes us better people.

There is no doubt about the fact that the joy of our existence is a product of the time we spent lifting others up and lighting their face with the hope that they are always valued.

Thanks to all our donors, sponsors and volunteers who makes this charity initiative possible. We love you all


Photo spotlight


Peter Obi and The Obidient Movement

As Nigeria prepare to elect a new set of leaders to stir the affairs of the country after what has been described as an abysmal performance of the current administration for the past eight years. Nigerian Youths appear to be politically activated with a level of anger and wrath against the political class.

Coming from a bottled wrath for how they were treated during the EndSARS saga in 2020, they seem to have found an opportunity for a sweet revenge and to change the political climate in the country.

What makes it more interesting is the fact that they have massively queued behind the candidate of the Nigerian Labour Party, Mr. Peter Obi, a onetime governor in Anambra, one of the south eastern states in the country. Peter Gregory Obi had left the People’s Democratic Party-PDP just a few days before the primary which saw the emergence of Mr. Atiku Abubakar as the candidate of the PDP. Mr. Obi claimed that the system in the PDP was corrupt and against his principles thus his search for a party that aligns with his political ideology.

Since he joined the Labour Party and consequently emerged as the presidential candidate, many narratives have emerged that have continued to mobilize the youth who seem to be rather highly ingenious with the Obi movement.

Today, in Nigeria the cliché ‘Obidient Citizen’, ‘Obidient’ and ‘Obicracy’ is gradually becoming a household word. Even the governor of Edo state alluded to the fact that in almost every home in his state there are youths who call themselves OBIDIENT.

Could this be the journey towards political emacipation? Will the Nigerian Youths be able to sustain the tempo and mobilize greatly to enthrone their choice candidate in 2023? The coming days and months will tell as the candidates which include the powerful Bola Ahmed Tinubu of the ruling All Progressive Congress and a host of others get ready for the commencement of the political campaign in September.

Keep track with us here as we will continue to analyze the development as it unfolds

Written by Chuks O. Joshua, A Veteran Journalist and FEF Content Editor

Frugal introduces UK website

The month of June welcomed the official website for the Frugal So the global website remains This is in a bid to improve the effectiveness of the FEF UK projects.

Frugal Empowerment Foundation has always remained a co-joined twin with corporate presence in the UK and Nigeria. Our website has over the years domiciled in on URL- This site has been used to feature the activities of the various initiatives of the foundation in and outside the UK. The FEF UK site opens a great support for various outreaches in the UK and within the European community.

The Month of June witnessed another stride in the success of our mission to touch lives in the rural communities across Nigeria. The Wash Project is designed to sensitize young adults specially the female on how to maintain cleanliness for healthy living. The project took off in Borno State and witnessed a huge success.

Support for Mrs. Osagie’s Leaking Roof

Mrs. Deborah Osagie is a widow who the Frugal Empowerment Foundation came to her rescue after delivery at the Hospital. She was reported to be unable to pay her hospital bills after giving birth, when the information reached us at Frugal, her matter was quickly handled and her bills paid.

However, our team did not stop there as we reached out to her in her home to find the dilapidated situation of where she lives. The roof is bad and leaky, so when it rains, it literally falls into the house.

Mrs. Deborah is in dire need of a better house to live in giving her physical health condition. We are therefore appealing to you our most reliable partners to combine efforts to give her a shelter worthy of human abode.

Frugal Makes Headline Again

The Frugal Empowerment Foundation again caught the attention of the media. This is to prove the fact that no good deed goes unnoticed, people are watching. As our humanitarian mission continues to expand and capture new horizons, it is becoming difficult for us not to be noticed and applauded by the society who is beginning to feel our impact in every community where our presence is established.

The White Paper Publishers, followed up with the Edge Express in recounting the Frugal story with the caption, “Commending Frugal Empowerment Foundation For Touching Lives, Developing Communities.

Frugal Continues The Stride

Frugal Empowerment Foundation has continued in line of progress and creating more and more opportunities and impacts in lives within the African continent and in Europe- UK and Greece especially.

The month of June witnessed a lot and we have done due diligence in bringing you these developments in this edition of our monthly newsletter.
We are grateful to God and everyone who have continued to support us in cash and kind. For you who is just getting to know about us, our humanitarian train still has rooms for impact makers who desire to touch lives. Come on board lets enjoy the cruise of making worthy sacrifice.

For you who is looking for a family that can show you love and help you actualize your destiny through self-actualization, we are ever ready to accommodate and help you find your path and overcome your limitations. Frugal Cares and Supports.

FEF July Newsletter

Now download/View full copy our July NewsLetter at

Frugal Continues The Stride

Frugal Empowerment Foundation has continued in line of progress and creating more and more opportunities and impacts in lives within the African continent and in Europe- UK and Greece especially.

The month of June witnessed a lot and we have done due diligence in bringing you these developments in this edition of our monthly newsletter.
We are grateful to God and everyone who have continued to support us in cash and kind. For you who is just getting to know about us, our humanitarian train still has rooms for impact makers who desire to touch lives. Come on board lets enjoy the cruise of making worthy sacrifice.

For you who is looking for a family that can show you love and help you actualize your destiny through self-actualization, we are ever ready to accommodate and help you find your path and overcome your limitations. Frugal Cares and Supports.