Mr Frugal

  • Mr. Frugal: A Visionary Philanthropist
  • In the tapestry of extraordinary individuals, Mr. Frugal emerges as a beacon of inspiration, embodying the age-old wisdom that “geniuses thrive in the garret but end up in palaces.” His life’s journey is akin to this profound philosophy, a testament to resilience, compassion, and an unwavering commitment to uplifting the less privileged. More about Mr Frugal at

Appreciation From Frugal Empowerment Foundation. 21st July 2024

Mr Frugal-Nigeria’s Struggles ft Femty.

Music Deeply Rooted In The Heart Of Nigerians

Mr Frugal And Winners On Nigeria’s Struggles Dance Challenge

Mr Frugal & Hilda Muna – Neck To Neck Facebook Live Music 9th June 2024, 7PM UK Time

Join Mr. Frugal and Hilda Muna for a special “Neck To Neck” Facebook Live Music event on 9th June 2024 at 7 PM UK Time. Don’t miss this exciting musical experience! More of Hilda at Hilda Muna

Mr Frugal & Femty – Neck To Neck Facebook Live Music 26th May 2024, 7PM UK Time

Mr Frugal & Loso – Neck To Neck Facebook Live Music 19th May 2024, 7PM UK Time

Mr. Frugal’s Birthday Bash: A Heartfelt Thank You to Sponsors, Trustees, and Volunteers for Impacting 300k Kids in Nigeria

Nigeria Visit : Fulfilled Mission, Many lives Impacted

Mr. Frugal’s recent visit to Nigeria has been nothing short of a resounding success, with his mission to impact lives across the country bearing fruit in remarkable ways. As the founder of the Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF), his dedication to humanitarian causes has been on full display during this visit, as he worked tirelessly to reach out to those in need and make a tangible difference in their lives.

Throughout his time in Nigeria, Mr. Frugal has touched the lives of countless individuals through various initiatives organized by FEF. From providing food and essential supplies to vulnerable communities to empowering small business owners and supporting educational programs, his efforts have left a lasting impact on communities across the country.

One of the highlights of Mr. Frugal’s visit was his engagement with local leaders, community members, and volunteers who share his passion for making a positive difference in society. Together, they have worked hand in hand to address pressing issues and create opportunities for those who need it most.

As Mr. Frugal retired to his UK base, the impact of his work will continue to reverberate. His unwavering commitment to philanthropy and humanitarianism serves as an inspiration to us all, reminding us of the power of compassion and the importance of lending a helping hand to those in need.

Happy Birthday, Mr. Frugal

Today, the Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF) family extends its warmest wishes to our esteemed founder, Mr. Frugal. Your unwavering commitment, boundless compassion, and tireless efforts in championing humanitarian causes have touched the lives of countless individuals, especially the vulnerable communities across Nigeria. Through your visionary leadership and selfless dedication, you have inspired hope, transformed futures, and made a lasting impact on those in need.

On behalf of the many lives you have impacted, we express our deepest gratitude and admiration for your relentless pursuit of a better world. Your compassion has not only provided essential aid and support but has also given a voice to the voiceless, ensuring that their stories are heard, their needs met, and their dreams realized. Today, as we celebrate your birthday, we celebrate the incredible difference you have made and continue to make in the lives of others.

May this special day bring you joy, happiness, and fulfillment. As you continue your journey of making a difference, know that you are cherished, valued, and loved by the FEF family and the communities you serve. Here’s to many more years of impactful work and inspiring change. Happy Birthday, Mr. Frugal!

A Heartfelt Thank You from FEF

Dear Donors, Supporters, and Volunteers,

As we reflect on the success of Mr. Frugal’s Birthday Humanitarian mission at Daudu Camp in Benue State, we are filled with immense gratitude and pride. Your unwavering support, dedication, and generosity have played a pivotal role in making this initiative a resounding success.

The smiles on the faces of the vulnerable individuals we reached out to speak volumes of the impact of your contributions. Your kindness and compassion have touched lives, bringing hope, joy, and a renewed sense of community to those in need.

From the depths of our hearts, we extend our sincere thanks to each one of you. Your belief in our mission and your willingness to stand with us in serving humanity reaffirms the power of collective action. Together, we are making a difference, one life at a time.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Mr. Frugal
Frugal Empowerment Foundation

Mr. Frugal’s Birthday Bash Lights Up Benue, Sets the Stage for Borno and Plateau

DAUDU, BENUE STATE – The spirit of celebration and compassion converged yesterday, April 20th, as Mr. Frugal’s grand birthday celebration unfolded in the heart of Benue State. The event marked the beginning of a heartfelt mission to impact the lives of 300, 000 crisis-affected children across Benue, Borno, and Plateau states. With a dedicated team of FEF members from various parts of Nigeria, alongside FEF artists, dancers, and volunteers, the event at the Daudu IDP camp was nothing short of spectacular.

View Mr Frugal’s Humanitarian Birthday photo Gallery

The atmosphere was electric as children and families gathered to partake in the festivities. The focal point of the event was the distribution of essential items generously donated by supporters from far and wide. From food supplies to educational materials and clothing, the gifts brought smiles to the faces of hundreds, offering a glimmer of hope in challenging times.

Highlighting the day’s activities was a series of dance and other competitions, adding an extra layer of joy and excitement to the occasion. Mr. Frugal, true to his generous spirit, gifted over 500,000 Naira to participants, including aged women and children who showcased their talents and skills. As the celebrations wrapped up successfully in Benue, all eyes are now set on Borno and Plateau, where similar events are set to unfold in the coming days and weeks. With the momentum from Benue, hopes are high for even greater impacts and heartwarming moments ahead.

Mr Frugal Birthday: Helping 300k Crisis Kids. Is Today 20th April 2024

Frugal’s Grand Birthday Celebration to Ignite Hope for 300,000 Crisis Victims

As the calendar inches closer to April 20th, the air is filled with anticipation and hope in Daudu, Benue State. Mr. Frugal, the driving force behind the Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF), is gearing up for a monumental birthday celebration that promises to bring smiles to the faces of 300,000 crisis-affected children across Benue, Borno, and Plateau states. This event is not just a celebration of another year in Mr. Frugal’s life but a testament to his unwavering commitment to making a tangible difference in the lives of those most in need.

The birthday festivities are set to take place at an Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camp in Benue, a location that symbolizes resilience and hope in the face of adversity. FEF volunteers and partners are working tirelessly to ensure that the day is filled with joy, laughter, and transformative opportunities for the children. From educational materials to essential supplies and interactive activities, every detail is being meticulously planned to maximize the impact on these young lives.

Mr. Frugal expressed his heartfelt gratitude to all supporters, donors, and volunteers who have contributed to making this ambitious endeavor a reality. “This birthday celebration is not just about me; it’s about all of us coming together to create a brighter future for these children,” he remarked. As preparations reach their final stages, the call for continued support and donations grows louder. Everyone is invited to join FEF in this noble mission, turning Mr. Frugal’s birthday into a beacon of hope for hundreds of thousands of children across Nigeria.

Frugal’s Birthday Mission: FEF Commences the Illumination …the journey has began..

As Mr. Frugal’s birthday draws near, the Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF) kicks off its humanitarian impact tour, setting the stage for a series of meaningful interventions aimed at uplifting the lives of the less privileged. In a heartwarming gesture of support, six widows were presented with 100,000 Naira each as seed funding to boost their businesses. This initial step underscores FEF’s commitment to empowering individuals and communities, laying the groundwork for sustainable growth and development.

The impact tour serves as a testament to Mr. Frugal’s unwavering dedication to making a difference. His vision of a world where kindness and compassion reign supreme fuels the foundation’s efforts to bring about positive change. With more initiatives on the horizon, FEF remains an open window, welcoming donations and support from generous individuals and organizations keen on joining the mission to create lasting impact.

Mr. Frugal expresses heartfelt gratitude to all donors, acknowledging their invaluable contributions in cash and kind. He believes that the true essence of his birthday and joy lies in the smiles and improved livelihoods of those touched by FEF’s initiatives. With a spirit of unity and shared purpose, the journey towards achieving the foundation’s goals continues, and Mr. Frugal remains optimistic about the transformative power of collective goodwill.

Let’s make it happen

Mr. Frugal finds immense joy in witnessing the transformative power of kindness as the Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF) extends its humanitarian efforts to the needy and vulnerable. Each outreach mission, each act of charity, illuminates the faces of those in need, reflecting the impact of FEF’s commitment to making a difference. This dedication to uplifting communities has become a hallmark of Mr. Frugal’s vision for a brighter, more compassionate world.

As Mr. Frugal’s birthday approaches, the focus remains steadfast on reaching out to crisis-affected children and communities. This special day serves not just as a celebration of Mr. Frugal’s life but also as an opportunity to amplify the foundation’s efforts in providing relief, support, and hope to those facing adversity. With the collective efforts of donors, volunteers, and supporters, FEF aims to make this birthday a memorable event that leaves a lasting impact.

FEF invites everyone to join hands in this noble cause, emphasizing that together, we can make a significant difference in the lives of the less fortunate. By contributing time, resources, or donations, each individual becomes a part of a larger movement, turning Mr. Frugal’s birthday into a beacon of hope for crisis victims and communities in need.

Small acts of kindness can create ripple effects of positivity and change

As preparations for Mr. Frugal’s Birthday Celebration ramp up this month, Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF) draws inspiration from Mahatma Gandhi’s timeless words: “The simplest acts of kindness are by far more powerful than a thousand heads bowing in prayer.” With this guiding principle, FEF aims to make a profound impact through acts of kindness and charity on Mr. Frugal’s special day.

As part of the celebration, FEF is organizing various initiatives to uplift and support vulnerable communities. From distributing essential supplies to organizing charity events, every effort is aimed at spreading love, compassion, and hope to those in need.

Mr. Frugal’s birthday serves as a reminder that small acts of kindness can create ripple effects of positivity and change. FEF invites everyone to join in this celebration by contributing their time, resources, or donations to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.

Mr. Frugal’s to Visit Nigeria: A Journey of Impact and Empowerment

Excitement is in the air as Mr. Frugal, the visionary leader behind Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF), prepares for a significant visit to Nigeria this April and May 2024. With a mission to impact lives in the vulnerable communities of Benue, Plateau, and Borno states, Mr. Frugal’s visit promises to bring hope, empowerment, and positive change to those who need it most.

During his time in Nigeria, Mr. Frugal will not only be actively involved in on-ground initiatives but will also share insights and experiences through media interviews. Scheduled to appear on TV for interviews, Mr. Frugal will shed light on FEF’s impactful programs and successes, highlighting the foundation’s commitment to making a difference in the lives of vulnerable populations across Nigeria.

This visit holds immense significance as it underscores Mr. Frugal’s dedication to hands-on involvement and direct engagement with the communities FEF serves. By personally visiting these regions and witnessing the challenges and triumphs firsthand, Mr. Frugal seeks to further strengthen FEF’s impact and inspire others to join the cause of humanitarian empowerment.

As Mr. Frugal embarks on this transformative journey, he calls upon supporters, donors, and partners to rally behind FEF’s mission and contribute to the collective effort of uplifting communities and empowering lives. Together, let us join hands with Mr. Frugal and FEF as we work towards creating a brighter, more inclusive future for all.
Stay Tuned for Updates on Mr. Frugal’s Visit and FEF’s Impactful Initiatives!

Planting Seeds of Hope: Frugal Empowerment Foundation Gears Up for Mr. Frugal’s Birthday Calls for More Donations

As April unfolds, Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF) calls on the good hearted people to sow seeds of hope and compassion in the hearts of the less fortunate. With Mr. Frugal’s birthday just around the corner, the foundation is rallying support for, inviting individuals and organizations to join hands in making a difference.

“Every donation to Frugal Empowerment Foundation is a seed of hope planted in the hearts of the less fortunate,” remarks Mr. Frugal, founder of FEF. “With your generosity, we can nurture these seeds and watch them blossom into life-changing opportunities for those in need.”

Mr. Frugal’s birthday celebration on April 20th, serves as a poignant reminder of the power of collective giving. Each contribution, whether large or small, holds the potential to transform lives and uplift communities.

As FEF prepares to mark this special occasion, it calls upon individuals and organizations alike to sow generously into the lives of others. Through acts of kindness and generosity, we can cultivate a brighter, more hopeful future for all.

Join Frugal Empowerment Foundation in planting seeds of hope this April, and together, let’s sow the seeds of change that will flourish and grow for years to come.

Mr. Frugal’s Birthday Fundraiser Gains Momentum

As Mr. Frugal’s birthday draws nearer, the momentum is building, and donations are pouring in from generous hearts around the world. With your support, we aim to make this birthday celebration a truly impactful one, touching the lives of 300,000 individuals in need. Here’s how you can contribute and be part of this meaningful initiative:

Your financial contribution can make a significant difference in the lives of vulnerable children and communities. Whether big or small, every donation counts and helps us reach our goal of impacting 300,000 lives. You can donate securely online through our website

If you prefer to contribute in kind, we welcome donations of essential items listed below. Your donation of goods will directly benefit those in need, providing them with essential supplies and support:

Spread the Word: Even if you’re unable to contribute financially or in kind, you can still support Mr. Frugal’s birthday fundraiser by spreading the word. Share our campaign on social media, tell your friends and family, and encourage others to join the cause. Together, we can amplify our impact and make a difference in the lives of those who need it most.

As Mr. Frugal’s birthday celebration gathers momentum, let’s come together as a global community to make a positive and lasting impact. Your support and generosity will help us reach our goal of touching 300,000 lives and spreading hope and happiness to those in need.
Make Your Contribution Today and Be Part of Something Meaningful!

Frugal Birthday Fundraiser: Empowering Crisis Victims in North East Nigeria!

Dear Friends,We are thrilled to announce Mr. Frugal’s special birthday fundraiser, dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of crisis victims’ children in North East Nigeria. As the Founder of Frugal Empowerment Foundation, Mr. Frugal has been tirelessly supporting these innocent souls since 2017.

 Our Goal: £10,000 to Transform Lives

This April, join us in our mission to raise £10,000 to provide vital support to children in targeted locations: Daudu Camp Makurdi, Bassa Plateau state, Maiduguri, Borno state. These children have been deeply affected by the conflicts since 2014, resulting in the loss of their parents.

 How Your Contribution Makes a Difference:

Your generous donation will be utilized to provide:

  • Educational materials: School books, uniforms, sandals, and bags.
  • Essential wears: Clothing, shoes, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and hygiene provisions.
  • Education scholarships for talented children.
  • Other essential materials: Food, and more.

Fundraising Period: March 12th, 2024 – April 20th, 2024

Save the date for our special events happening from April 10th to April 20th, 2024. Your support during this period will go a long way in ensuring the success of our mission.

 How You Can Help:

  • Donate generously and be a part of transforming lives.
  • Share this fundraiser with your friends and family to maximize our impact.
  • Join the events and celebrate the joy of giving.

Together, Let’s Make a Lasting Impact:

Your support will not only honor Mr. Frugal’s birthday but will also contribute to creating a brighter future for these children. Your kindness can help rewrite their stories and provide them with the hope they deserve.

 Join us in spreading love, joy, and empowerment! Thank you for being a part of this meaningful journey.

With gratitude, The Frugal Empowerment Foundation Team

Mr Frugal, a man full of intellect and visionaries.

From Adversity to Achievement: Mr. Frugal’s narrative is one of triumph over adversity. Rising from the ashes of poverty, deprivation, and daunting challenges, he has not only achieved personal success but has also become an icon of greatness. His journey is a testament to the transformative power of kindness and the remarkable impact one can have on the lives of others.

Philanthropic Ventures: Mr. Frugal’s accomplishments extend beyond personal success; they are deeply rooted in a kind disposition that seeks to reshape the lives of the less privileged. Through philanthropic endeavors, he has illuminated the path for those in need, putting genuine smiles on their faces and fostering positive change in communities.

Diverse Impact Areas: From music counseling to recordings, buying songs, promoting talent, hosting leadership events, engaging in charitable activities, and even being a conduit for community voices through initiatives like “Tell Mr. Peter Osezua What Is Happening in Your Community,” Mr. Frugal’s impact is diverse and far-reaching.

A Platform for Growth: His involvement in music counseling, recordings, and the facilitation of song purchases and promotions underscores a commitment to fostering artistic growth and expression. Beyond the realm of music, his leadership events serve as platforms for empowerment, while charitable initiatives exemplify a deep sense of social responsibility.

Community Engagement: The openness to hearing about community issues, as reflected in the call to “Tell Mr. Peter Osezua What Is Happening in Your Community,” demonstrates a genuine concern for the well-being of others and a willingness to address societal challenges.

Enquiry and Membership Opportunities: With avenues for books inquiries and invitations to become a member or volunteer, Mr. Frugal invites individuals to actively engage with his vision. This inclusivity underscores his belief in collective efforts and the transformative potential of community involvement.

In summary, Mr. Frugal is not just a name but a symbol of resilience, compassion, and transformative philanthropy. His journey from humble beginnings to becoming a beacon of positive change exemplifies the profound impact one individual can have on the world.

Mr Frugal Live @ 6pm Today Facebook/YouTube 17th February 2024

Mr. Frugal’s Exclusive Music Show

Dear Members,

We are delighted to inform you that Mr. Frugal’s exclusive music show is scheduled for tomorrow at 6 pm UK time. This promises to be an entertaining and enjoyable event, showcasing musical talents and fostering a sense of community.

Please mark your calendars and join us for an evening filled with great music and camaraderie. Your presence will contribute to making this event a memorable experience for everyone.

Thank you for your continued support.

Best regards,

Mr Frugal Live @ 6pm Today Facebook/YouTube 27th January 2024

Follow us facebook: @mrfrugal, @frugalentertainment, @frugalempowermentfoundation @frugalentertainmentdancers

YouTube @feflivetv @frugalentertainment, @frugalempowermentfoundation

instagram @mr.frugal1 @frugalentertainment, @frugalempowermentfoundation

Mr Frugal Live @ 6pm Tomorrow Facebook/YouTube

Mr Frugal-Shake Ya Waist

New Music Release, Now available on YouTube Premium 27th January 2024

Empowering Communities: Unwavering Focus and Determination
Milestone Achievements and Future Endeavours of Frugal Empowerment Foundation

Dear Supporters and Well-Wishers,

We, the Directors of Frugal Empowerment Foundation, wish to express our gratitude and appreciation for the tremendous achievements we have accomplished since our inception in 2017. Through unwavering focus and determination, we have positively impacted the lives of over 1.7 million communities.

As we approach December, Mr. Frugal envisions reaching the significant milestone of impacting 2 million lives. This ambitious goal is achievable with the collaboration and support of communities that empathize with the challenges faced by vulnerable groups—the very backbone of our charitable foundation.

We extend our heartfelt thanks for your overwhelming support, which has been instrumental in overcoming challenges and realizing our dreams of empowering and supporting communities. Your dedication inspires us to continue our mission with renewed vigor.


Mr. & Mrs. Frugal Directors, Frugal Empowerment Foundation

Mr Frugal Giveaway

You could up to £150 or #100k this month with Mr Frugal giveaway music package. See details on flyer below

Mr Frugal-INECk

Mr Frugal Intented to Dress in a Unic Style

Mr Frugal (Peter Osezua) Founder of Frugal Empowerment Foundation and Frugal Companies intends to dress in a unic style to enable his media followers identifies with him more easily. Please Stay tune for Mr Frugal updated public profile.

**Music Counselling *Music Recordings *Buy A Song *Music Promotion *Leadership Events *Charity *Tell Mr Peter Osezua what is happening in your community *Books enquiring *Become a Member * *Volunteering

Contact Mr Frugal at Book Frugal

Mr Frugal-Shake Ya waist song launched.

The new music release by Mr Frugal has drown a lot of attention as Fans testifies about the sweetness of the song. Now available on play stores

You can now play Mr Frugal Shake Ya Waist on our YouTube Channel

Mr Frugal Lauching Music Single: Shake Ya Waist.

Invitee: Strictly By Invitation. To attend kindly complete the form at BOOKINGS

Mr Frugal, The Man With Multi Vision

Mr Frugal Impacts

Mr Frugal is known as a man of many faces, talented and extremely intelligent multifaceted human being, through this man, million of less privileged lives has been touched positively and over a thousand talented youths have been empowered in Nigeria, UK and Greece.

Mr Frugal Sponsored the 300k Crisis Victims Humanitarian Impact, Novermebr 2022

Mr Frugal as a Humanitarian

Mr Frugal saw the rightly level of poverty confronting the less privilege in our community and do something to resolve the crisis, through mr frugal, over a million lives has been save and touched. his passion for the less privilege began back in June 2017 when he released a video titled: ”What is Happening To Us”. having see the communities suffering due to lack of disunity and lack of supportive encouragement . watch the video below

Since this moment, Mr Frugal had never stopped delivering on humanity projects in Africa, Europe and other continents. He is endowed with the passion to save humanity at all cost. since 2017, Mr Frugal having founded organisation ”Frugal Empowerment Foundation is the only charity organisation who has not be founded by any public organization but provides evidence of his daily work. This means Frugal Empowerment Foundation works and reports evidence of her works for the 364 days of the year. this was possible because of Mr Frugal as a result of his passion for humanity

Mr Frugal,the hope for a falling nation

Mr Frugal The Hope For The Elderly

Mr Frugal the hope for uniting community

Mr Frugal the hope for the talented youths

Mr Frugal is taking the hopeless youths off the street daily

MR Frugal weeps for less privileged

Mr Frugal #SaveTheChild

Mr Frugal help the widows

Mr Frugal Aiding the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)

Mr Frugal Leadership and vision

Mr Frugal vision for Africa nations