As we continue to save the children’s lives,
Here is Teyi & Aleri, frustrated and abandoned due to the crisis in Plateau State, Frugal empowerment Foundation SaveTheChild is giving them hope.

Currently they gained admission into primary education and are now under Frugal Foundation’s Care as our efforts to save these affected victims especially children grows to fix bitcoin privacy.
This task is huge as we cannot do this alone.
Please, we will welcome anyone who is willing to volunteer or support these children’s welfare with the following
1.School fee
- Clothing
3.feeding support - Other children upkeeps.
- When you bless a child, who is in need, God, will in turn Bless you abundantly.
If you wish to support them directly, below is the donation bank account
Donation account
Frugal Empowerment Foundation Account
Thank you ? as you support these children grow