

Dear Community

Are you ready to make a lasting impact and be a catalyst for change in Nigeria? Join us in championing the cause of empowering women and young entrepreneurs through our transformative Small Business Empowerment (SBE) program, proudly orchestrated by the Frugal Empowerment Foundation (FEF).

Support this mission at Donate

Our Mission:
Uplift those who need it most by providing aspiring entrepreneurs in Nigeria with the capital and training necessary to turn their dreams into reality. We believe that everyone, regardless of their background, should have access to the resources essential for launching a successful business

Mrs Funmilayo Nike Philips

Mrs. Funmilayo Nike Philips’ story is a testament to the impact of targeted empowerment initiatives. Through the support of the Frugal Empowerment Foundation, she has been able to overcome significant challenges and build a better life for herself and her children. Her journey underscores the importance of providing financial and entrepreneurial support to vulnerable women, helping them transform their lives and contribute positively to their communities. Visit her page for more and how to support at Mrs Funmilayo Nike Philips

Mrs Ebere Lovina Nwaneyi

Mrs Ebere Lovina Nwaneyi,a petty trader. She’s into food stuff and provisions trade in Abuja, and has shown strong interest in maintaining a stable business environment.She is a benefactor of the frugal empowerment foundation movement, Small Business Empowerment.

Mrs Pauline Idagu

Mrs Paulina Idagu is also a business woman in Abuja. She sells fruits and other available items.She is determined and strong willed towards her little business. She is a beneficiary of the frugal empowerment foundation, Small Business Empowerment (SBE) initiative

Mrs Elizabeth Alashe

Mrs Elizabeth Alashe is a business woman who lives and does business in Abuja. She has a Kampala and a provision store. She is dedicated and focused on her business. She also is a benefactor of the Small Business Empowerment and initiative of the Frugal Empowerment Foundation.

Mrs Mary Ajiboye

Mrs Mary Ajiboye, a small business owner who resides in Abuja. She sells kolanuts, and is very focused on her trade to make ends meet. She’s also a beneficiary of the Frugal empowerment foundation, Small Business Empowerment (SBE)

Why Support Us?
By endorsing our Small Business Empowerment program, you are actively participating in the transformation of real lives. Your contribution isn’t just a donation; it’s an investment in the dreams of women and young people, a chance for them to build better lives for themselves and their families.

Invest in the Future:
Together, let’s create a ripple effect that echoes through generations. By supporting our campaign, you are directly investing in the future of Nigeria, fostering an environment where entrepreneurship flourishes, and dreams become reality.

Donate Today, Impact Tomorrow:
Your support matters. Every donation brings us one step closer to creating a more vibrant and empowered Nigeria. Please, join hands with us and make a contribution today.

Thank You for Empowering Dreams:
We extend our heartfelt gratitude for considering this noble cause. Your support is not just appreciated; it’s a beacon of hope for those striving to make a difference.

The Challenge:
Too many talented entrepreneurs in Nigeria face formidable challenges—lack of funds, knowledge, and connections. With your support, we can be the change-makers who redefine their journeys towards success.

Your Impact:
Your donation holds the power to make a significant difference. Whether providing seed money for a small business or funding crucial training programs in marketing and financial management, you are shaping a more equitable and prosperous future for Nigeria.

Our Vision for Abuja is Clear, To love, Care and Support the less privileged and bring communities together. Be a part of this live saving mission at MEMBERSHIP

Marry Ajiboye

Help Mrs. Marry Ajiboye Rebuild her Life!

Teyi & Aleri

The Untold Story & How FEF Impacted